🟠⚫ || Y/n Christine Maximoff Strange pt.1 || W.M || ✔

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Background story: Y/n is Y/n Strange, daughter of Stephen Strange and Christine. Wanda is Y/n's girlfriend. Y/n is 19 and Wanda is 22


-Y/n's pov-

I am an avenger for already a few years but I think that they don't even care about me, one night I was in my room because I wasn't hungry and when I came downstairs a few hours later I saw the team

They were laughing while drinking, they didn't even come to check on me, yeah I know they don't need to check on me every second but I think that they're leaving me out.

I think I want to leave, there is literally no chemistry between me and the team, no one will notice that I am gone, not even my girlfriend, Wanda, she's too busy with that Vision to see me, I once walked in on them kissing, yeah, I know that she's probably cheating on me with him.

-Wanda's pov-

I am really worried about my girlfriend, Y/n, she's been silent for a while now and not participating in some of the things we're doing, I hope that she's doing well.

Vision is trying to steal me from her, he's trying to kiss me and touch me, it is really annoying because I love Y/n with my whole entire heart.

Right now we're sitting on the couches and Y/n isn't here once again. We're just chatting with each other and having a good time. Then after a little while we hear footsteps and all our heads turn to my beautiful girlfriend

She's wearing black trousers with a white shirt hanging loosely on her body, her hair is in a high ponytail but she's looking like she hadn't has sleep in days, she walks towards the kitchen

'are you okay, Y/n. You look a bit pale?' Tony asks, she grabs a bottle of water and turn to us, but she doesn't say anything, I turn my head to the others and look confused, they raise their hands and don't know what is going on either

'I am fine' she says 'are you joining us?' Steve asks, she then looks away and I stand up, I walk over to her and wrap one of my arms around her waist 'are you sure?' I ask, she just stays silent and I decide to read her mind

'they wouldn't care, they wouldn't notice, just say that you're okay then you can go' I hear her say in her head. She then gets out of my grip and turns to the team 'I am leaving' she says 'what?' Nat says and stands up

'what do you mean?' Steve asks 'I am leaving the team' she says 'why would you leave?' Bruce asks 'I don't feel it' she says blankly 'we can't lose you' Clint says, I start to get tears in my eyes

'you wouldn't care anyways...' I hear her mutter and walk out of the room. I look at the others and run after her, she's in our shared room, packing her bag 'baby...' I say, she turns around and looks at me before quickly looking away, tears are on her face.

I walk towards her and stop her from packing, I turn her towards me and raise my hands to her cheeks, I wipe away her tears 'baby...' I repeat 'don't go, please' I plead 'no, Wanda, you have Vision, I am leaving' she says and gets out of my grip

'I don't want VIsion, I want you!' I say 'well that wasn't what I saw a few days ago, he's always near you, his hands on you!' she says 'and you think that I like that?!' I ask her 'well it seemed that you liked it!' she says and grabs her weapons, throwing them in her bag.

She then grabs the bag 'I am sorry but I need to go' she says 'no, no Y/n. Please!' I plead and try to stop her but she pushes me away and I run after her

She is walking towards the front door 'Y/n!' I shout after her but she waves around and her cloak goes around her neck, she then turns around, tears staining her face.

'just go to that boyfriend of yours' she says before flying away, I fall through my knees as I see her fade in the distance, I've never cheated on her, Vision tried doing things with me but I always turned him down, I wanted Y/n, and now I lost her.

'what happened?!' Nat asks as she enters the hallway, the door is wide open 'she left...' I mutter and Nat helps me up 'let's get inside and discuss what we'll do' she says and helps me inside, I am sobbing uncontrollably as we enter the living room

'god what happened?!' Steve asks and stands up 'are you okay, Wanda?' Vision asks 'shut up' I say to him and sit down next to Nat on the couch 'Y/n left, she broke up with me' I explain between my sobs

'no...' Steve, Clint, Bruce and Tony say but I nod 'she really left us' I say 'we need to get her back' Nat says and I nod.

-Y/n's pov-

There is one place where I want to be right now and that is with my mom and dad. I drive to the Sanctum Sanctorum and knock onto the door, which magically opens 'mom, dad!' I shout and I hear footsteps 'Y/n?' my mother says 'hey mom' I say and smile lightly

'what are you doing here, you would visit us next week!' she says 'hey Y/n!' my father flies down, I give both of them a hug 'I decided that I didn't want to be an avenger so I left' I say 'what?!' my mom says

'they wouldn't miss me' I say 'they surely would Y/n' my father says 'I don't mind having some time with my family, if it is okay, can I live here again?' I ask 'of course!' they say and I smile.

-Years later (after Endgame
And more happened. So my mom and dad broke up and a few years passed, I got blipped away for five years which felt a few seconds, I had no idea what happened.

My dad explained to me that there was a purple guy who tried destroying the world, half of the world disappeared and reappeared five years later, I am twenty-one but should be twenty-six if I didn't lost five years of my life.

Anyway, I moved on, from the blip, from Wanda? Never.

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