⚫|| Left out || N.R || ✔

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TW: SH, ED, depression

Background information

Y/n is sixteen years old and the daughter of Natasha Romanoff, they live in the compound and Peter is an Avenger.

-Y/n's pov-

I am laying in bed, sad. I asked my mother if we could do something but she said that she was busy, a few minutes later she was with Peter, he was learning her how to play a game.

Peter is a great guy and I really like him but since he is in the picture my mother is acting like I don't even exist, everything I do is wrong, I don't even know if I am good enough for her, she always tells me that I should be more like him, Peter Parker, the golden child.

Tonight is movie night and I always sit with my mother, I am not really excited because I don't know if we'll be sitting together but I decide to give it a try, I get downstairs at the time we always watch movies and I sit in my usual spot

Steve is already sitting on the other couch and he's on his phone, a few minutes later the others appear and my mother is talking to Peter, I look away from them and wait for the spot next to me to dip, but it doesn't happen, I turn my head and see my mother, she's sitting next to Steve and Peter is sitting next to her, just like they're the perfect family...

The others join and Wanda sits down next to me, she gives me a smile but I don't return one, Tony starts the movie and it is a comedy one. During the movie I glance at my mother who is having a smile on her face, she's talking to Steve and Peter during the movie and they're having the time of their lives

I stand up and walk away, tears are staining my eyes. I hear the movie getting paused 'Y/n where are you going?' Tony asks 'I have to do something' I lie and walk away 'should we wait for you?' Wanda asks, I don't look at them 'uh, n-no' I stutter because I am on the edge of breaking down.

I then run out of the room towards my bedroom and get inside, slamming my door before sliding down. I bury my hands in my hair and break down

- I am not good enough

- She hates me

- They all hate me

- I am a worthless child

- I am a disgrace

- I don't deserve to live

- I need to die

A few minutes go by but I don't calm down. I get up and get to my bathroom, I grab the razor and break it, grabbing the blade, I look up the mirror and look at myself, it then starts and don't stops, red liquid appears on my arm and it doesn't stop, I quickly pour water over it and see many, many cuts.

I clean it up and wrap my arm in bandage, I get out of my bathroom and change into some sweats and sweatpants, I get into my bed and cry it out.

-Next day-

I wake up and get out of my bed, I change into some shorts and a long sleeved sport shirt and get to the training room, I don't eat breakfast. I go to do my daily workout and it clears my mind, a few hours go by.

'Y/n' I hear my mother's voice, I get down the rack and turn my head 'yeah?' I ask 'you need to set out the trash so do it' she says with a bored voice 'oh, uhm yeah, I'll do it when I am done with my workout' I say, she huffs and rolls her eyes before leaving. Am I really not that good enough..?

I take out the trash and get to my room, I lock the door and slide down, the same thing as yesterday happens.

-Few days later-

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