⚫ || Just a teen || N.R and S.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

My parents are once again arguing, it's late and everyone is already in their rooms but yet, we all can hear them. 

I am sitting against the wall as they're in the living room, I fucked up in a mission and my father, Steve is really mad about that.

'I can't believe you're defending her again! She's sixteen years old, so old enough to take responsibility for her own actions!' he shouts

'And what exactly do you suggest we do? Punish her excessively for a simple mistake? She's still learning and growing, making occasional errors is part of the process!' my mama shouts back

'It's not about punishing, it's about teaching her accountability! How can she learn if we keep making excuses for her? It's time she faces the consequences.' my father says 

'But constantly dwelling on her mistakes will only make her more defensive and rebellious. We need to show support and guide her, not push her away!' mama says, I lean my head against the wall, closing my eyes 

I just want them to understand that I'm trying my best. I need their guidance and encouragement, not these arguments. I think 

'Encouragement? Nat! That's exactly what she's been getting while she keeps messing up missions! It's about time we set some boundaries and enforce her.' my father shouts at her 

'We've been putting pressure on her with all these missions, and all it has accomplished is causing her more and more stress. We need to find a balance between discipline and understanding.' mama says calmly

'She won't improve if she doesn't face the consequences of her actions. It's for her own good!' my dad says 

'She needs the chance to learn from her mistakes, but she also needs our guidance, patience, and love. We can't abandon her when she needs us the most.' mama says, suddenly someone sits down next to me, it's Wanda, I smile at her 'it's okay' she whispers, hugging me.

'I want them to realise that I'm not perfect, and that I need their understanding. I want them to trust me and support me instead of arguing all the time.' I say 'I understand, Y/n. It'll be fine' she whispers and I hear my parents continue

'she's not a little kid anymore, and it's high time she starts acting like an adult!' my father shouts

'Yet she's still our child, and she will have her fair share of mistakes. Let's focus on supporting and guiding her while ensuring she understands her responsibilities.' mama says 

'come let's go' Wanda says and we walk back to our rooms. She makes sure I fall asleep quickly.


It's the next day and I am sitting on the couch, suddenly Tony walks over to me 'kid, you okay?' he asks and I nod 

'yeah, why wouldn't I?' I ask 'well we all saw you sitting near the living room last night' he says 'yeah, it's just exhausting, you know? I am just a teen. And, I wish they could understand and not argue about me like that.' I tell him 

'I understand how you feel. It's tough, but remember, this disagreement doesn't define who you are or your worth. You're doing your best, and it's okay to feel frustrated or overwhelmed by their arguments.' he says and I smile 

'thank you Tony. But, sometimes it feels like they don't see all the effort I'm putting in. Like they're stuck on my mistakes and don't appreciate the progress I'm making. I wish they could just find a way to communicate better and understand that I need their support' I tell him 

'I understand you completely, Y/n' he tells me and I smile 'thank you, uncle Tony' I say 'no problem, kid' he says and hugs me, kissing my forehead.

-Nat's pov-

I look at Steve, we're watching the interaction between Tony and Y/n, we really fucked it up with the argument from yesterday 'we have to talk to her' he says 'yeah' I say and look at him.


It's a while later and we're all sitting in the living room, Y/n is up in her room. 'mama, dad. Can I talk to you?' we suddenly hear, I look around and see Y/n, I nod and stand up, Steve does the same.

We walk away 'I heard you two last night' she says 'we know, honey' I say 'well, It really affected me, and I wanted to share how I felt.' she says

'Of course, we're sorry if our argument upset you. We didn't mean for it to escalate like that. What's on your mind?' Steve asks

'It made me feel caught in the middle. It's tough when the two people I rely on for support and guidance are arguing about me. It's like I'm being torn apart.' she tells us and that hurts my heart.

'Honey... We're so sorry for putting you in that position. We both love you very much, and our argument was never meant to hurt you. It's important for us to find a better way to express our concerns without involving you.' I tell her

'I understand that you have different parenting approaches, but sometimes it feels like I'm stuck between two extremes. It's hard to know what you both expect from me.' she explains and I nod, looking at Steve.

'We acknowledge that our disagreements can be confusing for you. It's not fair to put the weight of our differences on your shoulders. We need to work on finding common ground and presenting a unified front, even if we have different ideas at times.' he explains.

'It would really help if you could find a way to communicate better. It's not just about the arguments, it's the constant tension that gets to me.' she says.

'We hear you, and we're committed to improving our communication. It's important for us to create an environment where you feel supported and understood. We shouldn't let our differences overshadow our love for you.' I say and she smiles

'I appreciate that you're willing to work on things.' she says and I give her a hug 'I love you honey' she says 'I love you too, mama' she says and Steve joins the hug 'I also love you, dad' she says 'I love you too, little one' he says 

'We love you so much, and we want to be the parents you need us to be.' I say and she smiles, tears forming in her eyes 'I love you both too' she says and we walk back.

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