⚫🟠🔵 || Enemies and now Lovers || K.B || ✔ || Pt.4

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-Y/n's pov-

I have no idea what I have to say to Yelena, she was so sad about Natasha and actually wanted to be alone, I just hope she wants to come with us and celebrate Christmas with us. I decide to get ice cream before I get back so when I have picked up the ice cream I get to the apartment. I open the door 'Lena, I have ice cream?' I say and limp inside, I hear sniffles and she is curled up on the couch, the tv is on

'Lena' I say and crouch sit down next to her, she looks at me as she notices the bandages around my ankle and wrist 'hey' she says with a hoarse voice, she had been crying, I open my arms and she falls into them, burying her head in the crook of my neck while continuing to cry 'I have ice cream' I say and she looks at me, I chuckle and stand up, limping over to the kitchen 'what happened?' she asks

'sprained ankle, two broken ribs, broken wrist and a concussion' I say as I grab two spoons, I turn to her 'did I break your wrist? when I pushed you away?' she asks 'maybe, I don't know. But don't worry, it will heal in seconds' I say and chuckle, I get back to her and sit down, she looks sad.

I open the ice cream and put it on her lap, I take a spoon of ice cream and hold it in front of her mouth 'open' I say and she does so, she takes the ice cream off of my spoon and we laugh

'what do you think if we are going to Clint's tomorrow morning to celebrate christmas, you know, with my family, Clint's family, Kate and you... oh yeah, Kate and I are together now' I say and her eyes widen as she looks at me

'no way!' she says 'yes way' I chuckle 'I am sorry for being so hard to you' she says 'Lena it is no biggies, I understand, you were just really mad' I say 'yeah... And I'll go with you' she says and I smile

'can we use the jet?' I ask 'yeah of course!' she says 'okay well, pack up, we are leaving tomorrow morning' I say and she stands up, running towards her room. I grab my phone and dial Kate's number 'heyyy' she says

'heyyy, Lena is going with us, we are coming to yours in like an hour, we will go tomorrow morning to Clint's, it will take no hours to reach his house' I say

'sounds as a plan, see you soon baby' she says 'see you soon, love you' I say 'love you too' she says and hangs up.

'I am done, you?' She says as she walks in with her suitcase 'I just finished calling, give me a few minutes to get ready' I say and she nods, sitting down on the couch, I limp to my room, starting to pack my suitcase.

Soon we are back in the apartment, everyone seems pretty chill 'Y/n, can you wake up your brothers?' my mother asks 'really, you are asking the one who is injured?' I say and chuckle, before she can say anything I interrupt her

'I am joking' I limp over to their room and get inside 'boys' I whisper, Billy starts waking up 'hey, we are going to fly to Clint's, we are gonna have christmas there' I say and Billy sits up 'Tommy!' I shout-whisper and he wakes up

'finally you are awake' I say and throw them some clothes 'change in the bathroom or something I am packing your suitcases' I say 'what, why?' Tommy asks 'we are having christmas at Clint's house' I say 'ohhh'

'yeah... and now go change' I say, as they change I pack their small suitcases, they didn't have many clothes with them so it was easy. I walk out of their room 'they are coming' I say and put down their suitcases

'Len, isn't it a smart idea if I prepare the jet?' I ask and she nods, I open my right hand and she grabs the small jet out of her pocket and throws it at me 'same place as we landed' I say and she nods, I fly out of the window towards the spot we landed

I lay the jet down and push the button, it becomes normal size and I get inside, making the spare rooms ready so Billy and Tommy can sleep and maybe someone else too 'Y/n!' I hear Lena's voice

'we're ready for take-off, Lena!' I say and limp over to Kate, giving her a kiss on her cheek, I turn to Yelena 'Lena are you gonna fly?' I ask 'yeah' she says and walks over to the pilot seat, closes the door and we all sit down 'everyone ready?' Lena asks

'yup!' we say and she takes off, it will take about one and an half our to reach Clint's house but we also will stop to buy presents because it is still christmas, I've bought many things.

As we land I see a woman with brown hair walking out of the house, followed by three children, Clint is first to walk out

Kate walks over to me and helps me stand up, she helps me out of the jet and the others also get out 'I've brought a couple strays' Clint jokes, then Lucky jumps out of the jet and we all chuckle

'well hello! Let's get inside it is freezing!' the woman says, we all follow them as we get inside 'so, tell me who they are, Clint' the woman says

'firstly, everyone, this is Laura, my wife, Vision and Wanda you might already know her, then we have Cooper, my eldest son, Lila my daughter and Nathaniel, my youngest son' Clint explains and I look at Yelena

'Nathaniel is named after Nat' he says as he sees our faces, I smile 'Laura, Cooper, Lila, Nathaniel, this is aunt Yelena, Natasha's sister' Clint starts 'then we have Wanda and Vision, Billy, Tommy and Y/n Maximoff, and then we have Kate, she was my partner these days, she is an amazing archer' Clint explains and I smile as I look at Kate, she is smiling

'so nice to meet you!' Laura says and we all seat in the living room, Kate is sitting in the corner of the couch and I am laying with my head on her shoulder as we are drinking hot cocoa and they are opening their presents, I also got some presents from my parents and from Kate

'I still have presents for everyone' I say and get up, limping over to the hallway, suddenly I feel my eyes going crazy, I look into a mirror and see them flashing like crazy, I try to calm down and succeed, I grab all the presents and get back to the living room while holding four presents and levitating seven with my powers

'oh gosh Y/n' my mother says and I laugh 'here' I say and start levitating the presents to them only I hold Kate's present with me 'open up!' I say and get back to Kate, she looks confused as I sit down 'just wait for yours' I whisper and look at the others their faces.

I gave my father a sweater because I didn't know what to buy, Billy, Tommy and Nathaniel nerf guns, Cooper a new game for his pc, Lila new headphones, Yelena earrings, Laura rings, Clint new gloves with better grip for on his bow.

'gosh thank you Y/n, you shouldn't have!' Laura says happy 'no problem Laura' I say 'sick' Cooper and Lila say as they open theirs, the boys are screaming happily as they unwrap their presents 'thank you Y/n!' they shout and run out of the room with their new gadgets

'thank you Y/n' my father says 'what is this?' my mother says and looks at me, I decided to give my mother a matching necklace with me, I have the half of an heart as she opens the other, she looks at me wide eyed and I pull down my shirt to reveal the other half

'ahw...' she says 'Y/n, these are amazing!' Yelena says letting her accent drip ' no probs, Len' I say and chuckle 'Kate what do you have?' Clint asks 'I don't know, Y/n never gave it to me' Kate says and I let out a laugh 'that is because I wanted to make yours more special' I whisper in her ear and hand her the present, she looks at me and gently starts to open it, revealing a box

She looks at me and then opens the box, two rings are inside of it that are matching (NO THEY'RE NOT MARRYING), she once again looks at me and tears up, I laugh 'put it on!' I say and she grabs the rings, giving me the one with the K and she puts on the one with the Y/I (your initial)

She smiles and gives me a kiss 'thank you, it is beautiful' she says and I chuckle 'cute' my mother says and I glare at her, she just laughs 'okay, who wants some hot chocolate!' Laura says and we all raise our hands excitingly.

The rest of the day we've played with the Barton family, drunk hot chocolate and talked. I fall onto the bed that Kate and I share

'tired?' Kate says as she walks into the room 'yeah' I groan, she chuckles and walks over to me, kissing me on my lips 'you know, we were enemies... and now lovers' she says and I laugh 'I love you' I say 'I love you too' she whispers. 

That was the mini series "Enemies To Lovers" I hope you liked it!

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