🟠🔵|| 'She's your girlfriend!?' || N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

'I am still not into the idea that you are on a school, you literally can get homeschooled' Nat says as I grab my bag, hey I am Y/n Stark and I am the daughter of Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, I am nineteen and my girlfriend Nat is twenty-two (Yeah I know) we've been together for eight months and she's really protective but also beautiful, sweet, romantic and gentle, I really like it.

I have powers, natural ones, not like Wanda with the mind stone, not like Peter with some kind of spider, I just have them, my power is teleportation, I just think of an location and I teleport to there, I mostly use it on missions, just to creep behind the enemy.

But I also use my ability to scare my team, the Avengers, it is really fun when the almighty Steve Rogers is screaming like a baby when you scare him. 

So anyway, I have been joining Peter with school a few weeks ago and honestly it's pretty fun 'I socialize with others now and it is pretty fun' I say and walk over to her 'I'll see you later, my love' I say and kiss her 'okay' she says 'okay let's go, Pete' I say and we get out of the compound.

We arrive at school and join MJ and Ned who are waiting for us at the front, they are fun. A few seconds later Flash arrives and gets out of his car 'Flash is coming' MJ mutters and I roll my eyes 'hey babe' he says and wraps his arm around my waist

I quickly grab his arm and jank it away 'I am not your "babe" so shut up' I say and roll my eyes as I look at him 'feisty as always, i'll see you later, babe' he says and walks away 'Nat's not going to like him...' I mutter and the three in front of me laugh 'yeah she isn't' I say and we walk inside.

We have math, english and biology, they go over pretty fast and now we're at P.E, Peter is doing sit ups as I am helping him, I am eavesdropping a conversation of Flash, Liz and some others 'she's pretty' I hear Liz say 

'Y/n? yeah hell she is' a boy says 'come on Pete, just a few more' I motivate him 'back off guys, she's mine' Flash then says and I roll my eyes 'I think she's already taken, I mean look at her, she's hella gorgeous' Betty says and I quickly look at Peter, he looks at me 'come on, two more' I say and give him a sly smirk

'isn't her father really rich?' Liz then says 'Stark, Tony Stark is her father' a boy says 'isn't he also Iron man, that's pretty cool' 

Peter turns around to them and then looks at me, I just give him a smirk and he laughs 'people say she is also an avenger' the boy says 'no way, being an avenger sounds so cool' Liz says 'Y/n!' Flash shouts and I roll my eyes 'be right back' I say and walk over to them

'what do you want.' I say bold 'your father is Tony Stark right?' he asks and I nod, I look at Liz who motions for me to sit next to her, I sit down 'so are you an avenger then?' he asks and I nod 

'yup, I am an avenger' I say and look at Peter who is talking to Ned 'that's so cool!' Liz says and I chuckle 'apart from the injuries and bruises, yeah it is pretty cool' I say 'and uhm, are you single?' the boy asks 'nope, I am taken' I say 

'I told you she's mine, yeah' Flash says and I chuckle 'no, Flash. I am not yours' I say and the door bursts open and my girlfriend is in the doorway, I stand up and look at her, she nods her head to behind her and my team is there 

'I'm hers' I say and stand up 'she's your girlfriend!?' Flash asks and I smirk 'yes, and I gotta go, probably some mission' I say and run to Nat, she wraps her arms around my waist and I kiss her cheek 'what's the problem?' I ask, Fury is behind her

'there is a threat, there are red room agents trying to kill this person, this is Cheng Aiguo, he is a wealthy rich man who is in danger, you are flying to Washington, get in the jet, your suit is already there' Fury commands and we quickly get to the quinjet, I get into my suit and stand ready to fight, we land in Washington

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