🟠🔵⚫ || Y/n Christine Maximoff Strange pt.4 || W.M || ✔

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-America's pov-

Christine, Y/n and I run into a corridor and we see a shadow, it is running but suddenly it is Strange 'oh hey, are you alright?' he asks, I run towards him and hug him

He's a little confused but hugs me back, we pull away and his cape goes around his neck 'she fixed him' I say and look at Christine who walks towards us

'thank you' he says 'yeah.' she says. 'so, they said I built a waypoint to the book of vishanti, could you take me to there?' he asks Christine 'how could I trust you?' she says

'I know, what happened, I am sorry for what he did but in my way, the book of vishanti is the only way' he says 'yeah, your way, you sound a lot like my Strange right now. He had to be the one holding the knife and that knife counted a trillion people' she says

'this Stephen is different, he is. It doesn't matter about all the other Stephens, you're not like them' I say, Strange looks at Christine and motions his head to me 'smart kid' he says and she sighs, we then hear loud sounds.

'give me your hand' Christine says and she uncuffs the cuffs 'do not make me regret this' she says 'I won't' he answers and we hear more sounds 'okay can we go now?!' I ask and we run.

-Y/n's pov-

We're running into a room and My mom closes the door 'where does this lead to?' My father asks, 'under the river' My mom answers, America and I get into the tunnel, and we look at the door

It gets opened by red power and my wife is appearing 'go, go, go go!' My father shouts and get into the tunnel, my wife is chasing us, I am in so much trouble when she catches us

My mom keeps closing doors and luckily my wife is too late, and a door closed in front of her, we all look at the door in silence, only the sound of water dripping onto the floor is heard.

America is holding my hand because she was dragging me with her 'where did she go?' she asks but suddenly my wife appears out of nowhere, her eyes red as fire 'AH!' America shouts and grabs my hand tight, my wife limps towards us

'I warned you' she says, and I let go of America and walk forward to my father, he looks at me and holds his arm in front of me to prevent me to go to my wife, we walk backwards

'Other Wanda if you are in there, hold your breath' My father says, he suddenly does something and the tunnel starts to collapse, we quickly get through a door and we start running

'Did you kill her?' I ask him 'no, just bought us some time' he answers, 'the book is through here' My mom says 'but only My father 838 has ever opened it' she explains, I look back at the corridor.

Suddenly the door opens, and I look back 'this is the gap junction, the space between universes' I say and walk past My father

I fly down to the plot where the book is, my father, my mom and America follow and my father walks towards the book, I look at it but fall through my knees 'gosh...' I mutter

'Y/n, are you okay?' America asks as she kneels beside me, I look up at her and she quickly scurries away from me 'w-what is happening?' I ask

'Stephen, her eyes' she says and points to me, my father turns towards me, and his eyes widen 'something is trying to take over, Y/n get a grip on it!' My father shouts and I hold my head while my eyes are closed.

Suddenly I hear America scream and I open my eyes, I look to my side and see my wife, holding America, I look to My father who is laying on the ground the book of vishanti is laying next to him, but it is shattering.

'AH!' I shout and hold my head 'Y/n, let it unleash!' I hear my wife and I shake my head, suddenly a portal opens, and I see my father and my mother disappear in it.

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