⚫🟠🔵 || Enemies and now Lovers|| K.B || ✔ || Pt.1

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Age of people: Y/n is seventeen, Kate is nineteen, Yelena is twenty-two, Clint is forty-two, Wanda is forty, Vision is forty-one, Billy and Tommy are 10 (technically is Vision much younger and he is supposed to be dead but just forget that...)

Also, Y/n and Yelena are widows, y/n was kidnapped by Hydra but after escaped she befriended Yelena she became a widow, Yelena had trained her. I also made Y/n and Kate a little younger because I liked it and I know that Yelena is not twenty-two and all those ages are not realistic but so are Tommy, Billy, and Vision so shhh...

Also goodluck with this mini series... it's around 19000 words :)

-Y/n's pov-

'So, Lena, care to tell me where we are going, is this new assignment?' I ask Yelena who is flying our jet, I look at my radar and see that we are going towards New York

'We are going to New York. Yes, we have an assignment, we need to kill Clint Barton, he is the one who killed Nat' Yelena says, I sigh, I knew my parents had worked with Clint and Nat.

They were Avengers, but I never knew them personally, I never have met them, I was kidnapped at young age by Hydra, luckily, I escaped and found Yelena, who was running from the red room, we had much in common and that brings us closer

'Wait... so he is the one that killed her?' I ask and she nods, not giving me a glance 'okay... what is your plan?' I ask her

'He is in New York, which is all I know, I was about to ask you to look for information' she says, and I nod, I grab my tablet and started looking on the internet, hacking phones, finding everything about him, while writing it down

'Okay girl I have. Laura Barton wife, three children, Lila Barton, age fourteen. Cooper Barton, age sixteen. And Nathaniel Barton, age ten. He is in New York right now with his children, his wife is in a safe house' I say and look at her, she is nodding while a little smile is resting on her face.

'He was with Nat on Vomir, a planet or something, that is where he killed her for a stupid soul stone' I read, and I see her clench her jaw

The rest of the flight I am looking for information, I keep looking at Lena, she keeps it professional to not show her emotions, it must be hard for her to be away for 5 years and come back to hear that your sister got killed by her teammate.

'Okay, we are here' she says as we land, we change into some normal clothes, so we will not stand out and we walk out and she pushes on a button, the jet shrinks and is now pocket size, amazing how we manage to get something like this

It was already evening, and we were walking around 'where are we staying?' I ask her 'I have rented an apartment for a week or two' she says, and I nod

I look around, there were billboards with Avengers the musical on it 'let's get started tomorrow, we need to rest before getting into action' I say, and she nods in approvement

She leads us to the apartment, and we get inside, I look on my phone and it was ringing, I look at it and it was from an unknown number

'Who...' I say and Yelena looks at me 'what?' she asks 'I am getting a call from an unknown number' I say, and she walked over to me, she looks on my phone

'don't pick up' she says and walks away 'they can track you when you answer it' she says and I nod, declining the call, I walk over to the couch and sat down, Yelena did the same and turn on the tv, we watch tv for a bit

I then get a notification from the news, I look at it and saw someone jump over cars, saving a dog 'Lena, look' I say and show her the video 'impressive' she says and laughs, I once again look at it

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