⚫🔴🔵|| Love/Hate relationship || H.S || ✔

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Elizabeth Olsen and Scarlett Johansson
Hailee Steinfeld and Y/n Y/l/n
Tom Holland and Zendaya

Hailee and Y/n have a love/hate relationship, there are arguments but also lots of love. Y/n had a rough past so this isn't good for her mental health, her parents never treated her as their daughter.

-Y/n's pov-

'I AIN'T CHEATING ON YOU, HAILEE!' I shout at her, she looks at me with fury in her eyes, she saw that I was getting texts from Matthew, a childhood friend of mine, but she thinks that I am hooking up with him

'THEN WHY IS HE SENDING HEARTS TO YOU!?' she asks 'IT'S IN A FRIENDLY WAY!' I shout back, she walks towards me and wraps her hands around my neck

'Y/N tell the fucking truth!' she says, pushing me against the wall, causing me to let out a groan 'I am telling the truth' I say, she grabs my neck harder, causing a moan leave my throat

Her fury on her face gets replaced with a smirk, her head moves to my ear 'even though he's fucking you... He'll never do it as good as I can' she whispers and kisses just under my ear, causing me to let out a shaky breath

'h-he doesn't fuck me' I let out and she looks into my eyes. After a few seconds she walks away, causing me to sigh.

She walks towards the front door 'where are you going?' I ask, she grabs her jacket 'somewhere' she says 'Hailee' I say and she opens the door, looking at me 'I need to clear my head' she says and closes the door

I sigh and look down, I turn on my heels and walk towards the couch, laying down on it, just thinking.

Then I start to tear up, I just can't handle these arguments... I sit up as tears stream down my face and I grab my phone with shaky hands. I call the first one that comes to mind 'hey, Y/n' her voice says

'h-hey Liz, we had an another argument..' I say 'I am on my way' she says and I sigh 'okay, thank you' I say and we hang up. After a few minutes there is a knock on the door

I wipe my tears and put on a fake smile, I open the door and there is Liz.

'oh honey' she says and hugs me, Lizzie and Scar are like mothers to me 'let's go, Scar is also home home right now, I don't think you mind right now' she says and I shake my head

'no it's fine' I say. I quickly grab my phone and keys and walk with her to the car

We get into the car, and she drives away. After a few minutes we arrive at her home, we walk inside and Scar quickly engulfs me into a hug 'you'll be fine, baby' she says and wipes the tears on me cheeks, I didn't even notice that were there

We walk towards the living room and I sit down with Scar, she pulls me into her and I cry on her shoulder, I didn't even notice that Liz left to get some drinks

'what happened?' Liz asks as she sits down on my other side, I sniffle and look at her 'she thought I was hooking up with Matthew' I say

'Matthew? That childhood friend?' Scar asks and I nod 'absurd' Liz mutters 'he was sending me hearts in a friendly way, nothing flirty was going on' I say

'she'll see that she's wrong soon enough' Scar says and I look at her 'I hope so' I say and she smiles at me 'she will, she loves you too much' she says and rubs my back

'do you want to stay here for the night, Y/n?' Liz asks and I look at her 'if you two don't mind?' I ask 'of course we don't!' Scar says, causing me to chuckle

'well then, yes please' I say 'I'll prepare your room then' Liz says and leaves the room 'I'm going to get wine' Scar says causing both of us to laugh, she leaves the living room and I lay down

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