⚫🟠🔵 || Enemies and now Lovers || K.B || ✔ || Pt.2

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-Kate's pov (That Night)-

We are sitting on a roof, looking into an apartment, Wanda and Vision are waiting a few blocks away for if we need help

'It is in there' Clint says, pointing to an apartment 'okay so I have a plan...' Clint says but I knew that his plan would be rubbish, so I sneak away

'Kate?' I hear him 'I have another plan' I say and saw a man

'Sir could I help you?' I say, 'oh yeah' he says and gave me some of his bags, we got in the elevator 'Kate what are you doing?' Clint asked 'just trust me' I say

'What did you say?' the man asked, 'oh nothing' I say 'do you want to know a secret?' I say after a little 'do I?' the man asked, 'Kate don't' Clint warns 'I am talking with an avenger.' I whisper and look excited, the man looks horrified 'I- I can do it from here thanks' he says, grabbing the bags, quickly getting away from me

I got in the apartment, and I am met with flashes, I quickly shot them with slimey bows and got further inside, I found the watch 'got the watch' I say and looked further, then I saw a notebook

'Clint... people had been taking notes from your family... wife Laura, children Lila, Cooper and Nathaniel...' I say but Clint interrupted me 'Kate you need to get out of there!' he says 'what why!' I asked, 'those lights are silent alarms, for people who don't hear, you are in Maya's apartment!' he says

I then hear grunts, he is fighting, I turned around and saw Maya, she launched at me, and we started fighting 'Maya's here' Clint says 'no, Maya is here' I say as I am throwing punches 'then who is with me?!' Clint asked 'Wanda, Vision care to help?' I asked in my ear 'we're on our way'

I am on the balcony 'Kate, use the zipline!' Clint shouted and I attached my bow to the line, then got on it, of course it had to stop halfway, the unknown figure jumped on the line, and I continued sliding

I wanted to kick the figure in the ribs, but it easily knocked me down, then another figure showed up, then Maya, who are these unknown people?! I think as I am fighting with the other figure, then Wanda and Vision arrived 'finally!' I say and I let go of the figure, Wanda stands in front of it and the figure stiffened.

-Y/n's pov-

I am easily fighting with Kate, she wasn't too bad but isn't like an avenger or a trained Widow, suddenly she let me go and the one and only Wanda Maximoff is in front of me 'Lena, they're here' I whispered in my earpiece 'I know, just fight' she answered, I am walking backwards but felt two arms on my shoulders

I am quickly to drop myself and sway my legs at the person behind me, but they went through it, it is my father, Vision.

I quickly stand up and ran towards my parents, but Kate shot an arrow and I fell backwards, Lena also fell backwards, ouch my head we quickly stand up and look at each other, I started using my blasters

I shoot one at my father, but it goes through him, suddenly Lena attaches Kate onto a wire and throws her from the building

Clint looks over the railing, but I then get hit in the chest with a source of energy from my mother, I look at her and quickly stand up, then Kate appears again, God she is beautiful...No. Y/n get yourself together!

'Ugh!' I groan, Lena shot one at Clint as he pulled off her mask, she turned around and Kate is standing there, ready to shoot her down. Lena shook her head and wired herself to the ground, this is our time to go, I ran to her, pulling off my mask, looking at them

I wire myself on the go and we jumped in sync of the building, but I saw my mother flying over the edge, her eyes red as blood, Lena and I jumped on the ground

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