🟠⚫🔵 || Ours || W.M and N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

'You know what I am done with you two! You keep controlling my life!' I shout at my girlfriends, we're in our apartment.

Around three years ago, we defeated Thanos, but we lost a lot of the avengers, including my father, Tony Stark, it did a lot to me.

I am together with these girls for around 1,5 years but since a few months they've been acting weird, stalking me, always wanting to see who I am texting and it's horrible.

'you don't mean that, Y/n' Wanda says 'I mean just that, we're breaking up' I say 'no we're not, Y/n. We'll decide if we break up or not' Natasha says

'see this is exactly what I mean, you're controlling my life!' I shout and walk towards the door 'don't you dare walk out of that door, Y/n!' Wanda says

'then what?! You're gonna kill me?!' I ask and they stay silent. I grab my phone, put my backpack on my back, open the door and leave

I smash the door close behind me, calling my best friend 'pick me up, quickly' I say and take the stairs

I hear the door open again and I speed up, running down the stairs, I am almost at the door when a motor appears, that's Liam, my best friend.

I open the door and run towards him, he hands me a helmet and I step on the motor, I then see Natasha and Wanda running down the stairs but we drive away.


We arrive at Liam's house and get inside, there is his girlfriend, Flora 'hey Flo' I tell her 'hey, I thought we we're going out tomorrow?' she asks

'yeah but I broke up with my girlfriends so I called Liam' I tell them 'YES! FINALLY!' Liam shouts 'Liam' Flo scolds him

'sorry, they we're just so manipulative, I know they were avengers and all but they don't have privileges to act like this' he says 'true, true' I tell him.

Then my phone starts ringing, it's Wanda 'block them' Flo says and I nod, I block their numbers and on everything else 'they'll look for me, so I'm going to another state' I tell them

'you sure?' Flo asks and I nod 'yeah, I have everything already planned out, my plane will leave tonight' I tell them 'where will you be going?' Liam asks

'LA, I'll get my own modelling company, I am finally going to fulfill my wishes ' I tell them 'then we have to get you some stuff, you can't just go with one backpack' Flo says and I smirk

'who said I don't have everything there already?' I say and smirk, my father is Tony Stark, after his death, I got almost everything together with my mother

'also, if I need anything I'll just buy it there' I tell them and they nod.


I landed, I am officially in Los Angeles, it's amazing here. My father had an apartment here so I am now on my way there

I get inside and see that everything is still neat, I have been here once and it's still as amazing as always

Natasha and Wanda doesn't know about this place so that's great. I get to my room and notice that some of my old clothes are still hanging here, causing me to chuckle.

I quickly change into some formal clothes and get to my new bought building for my modelling company.

Once I am inside I see people making it offices, I get to the highest floor and notice "Miss Stark" on the door

I walk inside and see a few people installing things, while I perfect it, I am an engineer, but my heart was always at modelling.

A man is just finishing up my desk 'does it have all the things I had on the list?' I ask 'yes miss Stark, the holograms, your built in intercom and all the other things' he says

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