🔴⚫🔵🟠 || Mafia || K.B || ✔

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TW: Yandere, Stockholm syndrome"

-Y/n's pov-

I graduated! maybe three years too early but I did it! I am officially a lawyer. Oh sorry, I am Y/n Y/l/n, I am twenty-one years old and I was studying law. I was top of my class, finally I can apply to a law company here in NYC, although I need to be cautious...

Kate Bishop, she's a twenty-four years old, but a bloody gorgeous woman. Only bad thing... She's the mafia leader and rules over NYC, killing endless of people

You say, why don't I leave? Because we can't, we can't leave the city, people who've tried got killed, so we better follow her rules.

Anyway, back to me. I am laying on my couch while my two best friends, Jade and Chloe are with me, Chloe is making food while Jade is on her phone 'let's party tonight!' Jade whines 'Jade I don't want to walk outside at night' I say and she looks at me 'and you know the curfew, we aren't allowed outside after eleven' I add, Chloe walks towards us from the kitchen

'do we have to tell you this every time, it is friday night, tonight between eleven and four, we can party, it is allowed by Bishop' she says 'fine' I sigh 'yes!' Jade squeals 'wait, so we're going?' Chloe asks 'yup' Jade says. Jade and Chloe are party animals, and they're both twenty-five.

'we'll be picking you up at 10:30PM' Jade says when she stands up 'uhm okay' I say, Chloe and Jade are roommates so that is why they're leaving together, I am just living alone in my apartment.

I decide to get to my bedroom and open my closet, looking through my dresses. I decide to go for a deep red dress, it is tight and stops mid thigh, it shows my curves good. I do my makeup and hair. While doing my hair I put on the tv, the news is right now, a picture of Bishop is put on, they're talking about her

'and our fierce leader, miss Bishop! For the people who don't know her, she's our leader, she is a twenty-four year old woman who is amazing, don't mess with her' the girl says on the tv, I roll my eyes and put it off

'goddamn Bishop' I mutter, my entire family is back California, and I can't reach them or go to them because of her stupid rules.


My bell rings and I walk towards the door, putting in my earring. I open the door and see my bestfriends 'goddamn, you look hot' Chloe is the first to speak up 'you think?' I ask 'you're gorgeous!' Jade says and I chuckle 'you two don't look too bad yourselves' I say and they smile

'let's go' Jade then says. We get downstairs and in her car 'where are we going?' I ask 'that is a surprise' Jade says from behind the wheel, I groan and Chloe chuckles 'you curious girl, god' Chloe says and I laugh 'sorry' I mutter.

After ten minutes we arrive at a busy street, I look around 'Bishop's club, really?' I ask 'yeah, it's the best in town!' Chloe says 'okay?' I say as we get out of the car, oh god, there are many people

I look around and already see some people staring at us, some boys are already drooling and I mentally roll my eyes. We show our id's and get inside, you smell the mix of alcohol, blood and sweat, you know that Bishop has killed people in here. I look around and we decide to get to the bar

We all get some drinks and sit down at the bar. I look around, there is a staircase, I follow where it is going and I see glass compartments 'are those, like, VIP rooms?' I shout to Chloe, who just downed a vodka shot

'yeah, mainly they're empty because they're so expensive' she shouts back, I look around but my eyes find two pairs of blue eyes, my breath hitches, I look her up and down, then back up, she has a smirk portrayed on her face, fucking Kate Bishop... Well yeah, logic, it's her club

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