🟠🔵 || Mama || N.R and M.H || ✔

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Y/n goes on a mission with Bucky without telling her mothers, they're scared but when they call Y/n, she's saying the lyrics of the song "mama"



I am sitting in the living room, together with Steve, Peter, Sam and Rhodey, suddenly Ross walks in 'Y/n, mission with Bucky, be ready in ten minutes and jump onto your motor, the location is put in your gps' he says and leaves 

'well, I gotta go' I say and stand up 'but you're still injured?' Sam asks 'i'll be fine' I say 'her mothers aren't going to like that...' Steve says as I leave to rush to my room and quickly change into my suit

I quickly go outside and see my motor, I get on it and put on my helmet, I drive to my location. 'hey Buck' I say and give him a hug, other Shield agents are around us 'so, the mission' one says and starts explaining

'we're chasing this gang, they're fast but we're smart and fast, it is an easy mission' he says and we all nod. We get onto our motors and start looking around. suddenly I spot one and start to chase him.

-Natasha's pov-

'hey where is Y/n?' I ask as I walk into the living room 'she was sent on a mission with Buck' Sam says 'A MISSION!?' I say 'yeah...' Sam says 'No she did not!' I say and leave the room. 

I get to the Shield past of the compound and search for my beloved wife, I see her at her desk 

'hey my love, what are you doing here?' she asks 'Y/n is on a mission' I say and her eyes go wide 'but her injuries?' she asks 'yeah, I know' I say 

'we should call her' Maria says and grabs her phone, she facetimes Y/n, Y/n picks up and her phone is on her motor, we see her driving 'hey momma!' Y/n says, and I get in the view

'heya mama!' she adds 'where are you?!' Maria asks 'uhm' she says and looks around before looking down at her phone 'near the coast, chasing a man on a motor, he's fucking dumb, I'll catch him' she answers and mutters the last part. She then speeds up

'you aren't allowed to go on missions yet!' I say and she chuckles 'heya mama, don't stress your mind, we're coming home tonight, hey momma, we're going to be alright, dry those eyes' she says, I then notice tears on my face, I look to Maria and she has the same 

'we'll be back in the night, when the moon starts to rise, so mama, don't stress your mind and momma don't stress your mind!' she says 'that doesn't help the fact that you went on a mission!' I say 'my ankle is fine' she says 'you disobeyed our orders Y/n, you injury can grow' Maria says 

'momma don't stress!' she says 'we're stressing because we care about you, Y/n' I say 'and I appreciate that' she says and takes a sharp turn, almost falling off of the bike 'Y/n!' I say 'chill out I am a star in driving a motorcycle. I am your girl mama' she says and chuckles 

'we'll talk when you get home' Maria says before ending the call 'are we overreacting?' Maria asks 'no we aren't she went against our rules and brings herself in danger' I say.

-Y/n's pov-

I take a sharp turn and I keep following this guy 'I keep following this guy, we're near the coast' I say, I see the man turning around and a gun is in his hand, he raises it and my eyes widen, I quickly duck down and he shoots 

'they're armed watch out!' I say on coms, I quickly grab my own weapon and start shooting him, he can't duck and I hit him in his left shoulder, I hear him cry it out, I chuckle as I get the same speed as him

I am now side to side and I kick him off of his motor, I quickly stop and he's laying on the ground, in pain of course. I chuckle and grab my handcuffs 'got one' I say and cuff him

I throw him on my motor and kick his motor to the side, I drive back to the place we started and give them the man 'good job, agent Romanoff' one agent says 

'thanks' I say and he gives me a nod 'how many are left?' I ask on coms 'I am chasing two' Buck says 'where are you?' I ask 

'I'll send you my location' he says and I see it on my gps 'on my way' I say and drive away, he's only a few hundred meters from me and I quickly see two motors past me, then I see Buck, he's chasing them

I quickly get on the same level as Buck and nod at him, we go faster and closer to the enemies, Buck on the left and I on the right, we look to the enemies and they're looking at us, I steady my motor and stand on it

I jump onto the enemy's motor and throw him off, I then jump back to my motor as the motor of the enemy falls on the ground

I quickly turn around to catch the enemy, in that time, Buck catches the other, we cuff them and bring them back.

We park our motors and I walk towards Buck, I give him a hug 'good work' he says 'thanks, you too' I say 'I heard that your mothers were a bit angry?' he says 'how do you know?' I ask 'Steve called me that we had to come home after the mission' he says 

'oh fuck... I am in trouble' I say and he laughs 'you're still injured?' he asks and I nod 'I told them that I am fine, though I am, there only is a bruising and it hurts after walking a day' I say, he looks concerned

'it'll be fine, let's get home though, before your mothers come to us to get us personally' he says and I laugh 'good idea' I say and we get back on our motors. We quickly drive home

We arrive home and we park our motors, I see the door of the garage open and I see two mothers who are very mad 'momma, mama!' I say nervously 

'you are in trouble, young lady!' my mother Natasha says 'we were very worried' my other mother says 'I am sorry but I am fine, really' I say 'walk.' mama says, I walk with them towards the living room, everyone is sitting there 

'it was Ross's order' I say 'we don't care' momma says and I sigh 'I am sorry okay, how many times do I have to repeat it?' I ask 

'we don't want your sorry, we need you to realise that you can't always go on missions, you are injured and you could've hurt it even more' mama says 

'okay...' I say and walk towards the kitchen, I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water 'did they hurt you?' momma asks 'no' I say 'then what is this?' mama asks and points to my side, I look at it and I see a bullet hole 

'oh shit' I say 'language!' I hear Steve from the living room 'shut up old man!' I shout from the kitchen 'you got shot?!' momma asks 

'I didn't feel it, I thought... I thought that I dodged them!' I say and mama starts to examine it. I hiss as she touches it, momma is about to start yelling before I raise my arms 

'yelling doesn't heal this' I say and point to the wound, she then sighs 'it isn't deep' mama says 'good, because I don't feel it' I say 'but you're bleeding internal' she says and I look at them 'let's go to the lab' momma says 

'momma... I am fine' I say 'it is internal Y/n!' she says and I groan 'that's where the bloods supposed to be!' I say and she looks at me with the "are you serious look" 'jeez sorry I am kidding' I say and laugh..

I get to the lab and they fix the bullet wound, everyone was waiting in the living room, including both my moms. I get into the living room and see them glaring at me, I look around and see Ross 'Y/n' momma says 

'yes mom?' I ask 'we've talked to Ross about your mission' mama starts 'okay?' I say and look at Ross 'I am sorry Y/n, I haven't thought about your ankle injury and it could've been worse because of this mission, my apologies' he says and I chuckle 

'it's fine, really' I say and he gives me a smile 'momma, mama, I also want to say sorry, that I have disobeyed your orders, you've told me not to go on missions and I still went, I shouldn't have' I say and walk towards them 'Y/n...' mama says and stands up, giving me a hug, I chuckle as she pulls away 

'just don't do it again' momma says and we all laugh 'promised' I say. Ross leaves and we all settle on the couch to watch a movie, it is, after all movie night. I sit down in between my mums and I lean onto mama, momma is hugging me from the side. 

mama is scratching my scalp softly with her nails and it is comforting, I wouldn't wanted it other than this. I love this family. 

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