⚫🟠🔵 || Enemies and now Lovers || K.B || ✔ || Pt.3

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-Y/n's pov-

'you mother fucker' I say as Yelena laughs, letting me go 'you should have seen your face' she laughs, I punch her in the chest 'you really had to do that?!' I ask 'yeah, payback' she says 'fair' I say and sit on the kitchen counter

'so, I am here because I want to kill someone else than Barton, I want to kill Kingpin' I say 'we won't get out money if you kill Kingpin' she says and I sigh 'that is true but I don't feel in killing Barton' I say 'you've agreed in doing this, why are you being a coward?' she says

'I am not!' I say and she laughs 'yes, is it because you like Kate?!' she asks I chuckle 'yes, it is!' I say and her head shoots up to me, eyes widen, mouth opened 'what?' she says 'I was with her last night and she likes me back' I say

'so you betray me for a girl that you know a few days' she says and chuckles sadly 'what... no...' I say 'that is exactly what is happening, Y/n' she says

'get her out of your head and keep your mind on the assignment or get out of the apartment' she says, I sigh 'I am sorry, I am going to focus' I say and she smiles

'good choice' she says and gives me a hug 'are we still gonna attack on the day of that party?' I ask and she nods 'that party is tonight, so I am gonna prepare, are you joining?' she asks and I nod

'first, give me your phone' she says 'why?' I ask 'just do it' she says and I grab my phone, handing it to her, she puts it in her pocket '

'now you won't be bothered by your mother, father, Clint or Kate' she says and I chuckle 'let's go' I say and we start preparing

-Kate's pov-

'Y/n hasn't texted me yet and she told me she would' I say and stare at my phone 'we should prepare for the worst, let's make some arrows, Kate' Clint says and stands up, the police had brought his arrows and they are making new suits for us

'sure' I say and start helping him with making the arrows, Wanda, Vision, Billy and Tommy are also preparing to help us tonight, they will be on the party but undercover because many people know them and that can ruin the plan, I don't know if Y/n will be on the party and if she succeeded in getting Yelena off of the plan, I hope she did...

'Kate what is on your mind you are making an air arrow' Clint says as he nudges me 'oh, oops' I say and chuckle 'Y/n is on her mind, don't worry Kate she will be okay' Wanda says and I nod 'should I text her?' I ask Wanda

'here, her number, you can do that of course, making sure that she is okay' Wanda says and I grab my phone, looking up Y/n, I sent her a message

Y/n Maximoff <3

Me: Hey Y/n, it is me, Kate. I am just checking if you are okay :)

I look at the message as it is sent, I lay my phone on the table and continue making arrows, it really keeps me from thinking about Y/n

I never stopped thinking about her of course but it helped a little, tonight is the party and I am nervous, not knowing what will happen.

-Time skip (Y/n's pov)-

'are you ready Lena?' I ask her 'yeah one second!' I hear her shout. She walks towards the door as I am waiting 'finally' I say and she grabs her jacket, she is wearing her black suit and her green jacket is gonna cover it, I have the same but a black jacket

'ready?' I ask and she smirks 'always' she says and we leave 'so, we are gonna kill Barton, I know he will be on this party, don't get distracted by Kate, your mother, father or brothers because they will be barricades right now' she says and I nod.

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