⚫ || Uncomfortable || H.S || ✔

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Dunno what this is
-Y/n's pov-

Hailee and I are on our way to an interview about our her own movie, Hawkeye Junior, where she plays Kate Bishop and I, her love interest, Elena Maximoff.

Elena and Kate met each other in the series Hawkeye and now Hailee has her own movie which I also play a big role in.

Hailee and I have been dating for quite a few months, it has been amazing already and the public reacted amazing towards it. We arrive at the location and get inside, we meet the interviewer and get started

'Welcome, Hailee Steinfeld and Y/n Y/l/n! It's fantastic to have you both here today. Hailee, let's start with you. Congratulations on your latest project! An own Marvel movie! How did you prepare for such a challenging role?' he says

'Thank you so much! Preparation involved extensive research, working closely with my director, and really immersing myself in the character's mindset. It was a rewarding experience, to say the least.' Hailee explains and I am looking at her with a small smile on my face.

'That sounds incredibly dedicated! Now, Y/n, I must say you look absolutely stunning today. Your style is always on point. Do you have any fashion tips you'd like to share with our audience?' he says and a small smirk is on his face, I look at Hailee who is frowning

'Sorry, but I think we should focus on discussing Y/n's work and achievements rather than personal compliments or fashion advice. Y/n has accomplished a lot professionally, and that deserves our attention.' she says.

'Thank you, Hailee. I appreciate that. To answer your question, fashion is a form of self-expression, so my advice would be to wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Style should reflect your personality, and there's no right or wrong when it comes to that.' I jump into the conversation.

'You're absolutely right, Y/n. Sorry if my comment seemed inappropriate, I just couldn't help but notice your natural beauty. So, Y/n, you're playing the daughter of Wanda Maximoff, played by Elizabeth Olsen. How did you get involved in such an exciting venture?' he asks

'Thank you for your kind words, but let's try to stay focused on discussing my work. I had the opportunity to be a part of this project because of my dedication to my craft and the connections I've made throughout my career. It's been an incredible journey, and I'm grateful for the chance to contribute to such an exciting venture.' I explain

'Y/n's talent and hard work have paved the way for these opportunities. It's important to recognize the achievements and skills that bring us here today' Hailee adds and we both laugh softly.

'Of course, Hailee. It's hard to resist flirting when I'm in the company of such captivating individuals. But let's shift our focus back to your professional accomplishments. Y/n, what challenges did you face while working on this project, and how did you overcome them?' he says and I notice Hailee looking at the directors, who are also frowning

'I'm sorry, but I think it's best if we conclude this interview. It's crucial to maintain a professional environment and respect the work and boundaries of the people we are discussing. Thank you for having us, but we must respectfully take our leave.' Hailee says and grabs my hand, pulling me up from my chair.

'I appreciate the opportunity, but I echo Hailee's sentiments. Let's prioritize the project and the hard work that went into it. Thank you for having us today.' I say and we stand up.

'I apologize if I crossed any lines. I respect your decision, and I genuinely appreciate your time today. Thank you both for joining us, and best of luck with your future endeavors' he says and I notice Hailee giving him a fake smile.

We get into the car 'Ugh, I can't believe how that interviewer behaved. It was completely unprofessional and disrespectful.' she says

'gosh, it was so uncomfortable. But I appreciate you stepping in and speaking up when he started crossing the line. Your support means a lot to me.' I say and she smiles, giving me a peck

'That's what I'm here for, baby. I won't stand by when someone undermines your achievements and objectifies you like that. You're mine and you deserve respect for your talent and hard work.' she says

'Thank you, Hails. It means so much to have you looking out for me. I was really taken aback by his behavior. I don't understand why he thought it was acceptable to flirt during a professional interview. With a taken woman!' I say and she chuckles.

'Neither do I. It's frustrating and infuriating. We should be celebrated for our work, not objectified or reduced to our appearances. I want you to know that I'm here for you, love, and I'll always have your back in situations like these.' she says

'thank you so much, baby' I tell her and we drive away, her hand is on my thigh as we drive back to our home.

-Hailee's pov-

It has been a week after the interview and it has been on the news, the interviewer has been fired and I must say, karma is a bitch.

You don't flirt with a woman who is taken by the woman next to her and just think it's a normal thing to do.

Right now I am at another interview, without Y/n. 'Hailee, thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I wanted to address what happened during the interview the other day. I sincerely apologize for the behavior of my colleague. It was completely unprofessional, and I understand how uncomfortable it must have been for you and Y/n.' he says, I smile

'Thank you for acknowledging the situation. It was indeed disappointing and uncomfortable. In a professional setting, it's essential to focus on the work and respect the boundaries of the individuals being interviewed.' I tell him

'I completely agree, Hailee. It's important to create a safe and respectful environment for everyone involved. We deeply regret that the interview took a wrong turn, and we will be addressing the behavior with our colleague to ensure it doesn't happen again.' he says and I nod in agreement

'I appreciate your commitment to rectify the situation. It's essential to maintain professionalism and prioritize the discussion of our projects and achievements. Interviews should be an opportunity to highlight our work, not a platform for inappropriate behavior.' I explain

'Absolutely, Hailee. We understand the impact these incidents can have on the individuals being interviewed. Our goal is to foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere, where all talents are recognized and celebrated appropriately.' he says

'I'm glad to hear that. It's crucial to promote a healthier industry culture and not tolerate any form of objectification or disrespectful behavior. Let's ensure that future interviews uphold these standards and focus on the professional accomplishments of the artists.' I explain and he nods.

'You have my word, Hailee. We will take the necessary steps to prevent any recurrence of such incidents. I sincerely apologize once again for the discomfort caused, and please know that we value and respect your talent and the work you put into your craft.' he says

'I appreciate your apology and your dedication to fostering a more respectful environment. Thank you for addressing this matter, and let's move forward with the shared goal of promoting positivity and professionalism in the industry.' I say and he smiles

'Thank you for your understanding, Hailee. We will do better, and I look forward to future interviews with you and other amazing talents. Now onto talking about your amazing movie, I've seen it and honestly I am blown away!' he says and I chuckle

'thank you so much, it was such a journey to make, we have been working on Hawkeye junior for around 1,5 years and that's also when I met Y/n, her and I instantly had a click and that was handy because we'll be having a lot of screen time together' I explains


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