🔵 || Sneaking out with the young avengers || The Avengers || ✔

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Y/n Romanoff is the daughter of Natasha Romanoff and Maria Hill. 

-Y/n's pov-

'Y/n come on, there is a party in town, it's held by some older boys, we have to go! You have to ask Kate, Peter, Lena to come with you' Hailey, my best friends tells me on the phone 

'Hails, you know my moms won't let me go' I tell her 'your mothers are boring people' she says and I laugh 'and yet one is the second officer of shield and the other is an avenger' I tell her 

'okay, maybe boring on some parts' she says and I chuckle 'yeah, yeah, well I'll ask them' I tell her and I hear her cheer 'I'll call you, love you' I say 'love you too' she says and I hang up 

I walk out of my room in the compound and walk towards the living room, where I see my moms and family sitting, Tony and Bruce are talking about physics, Yelena, Kate and Peter are gaming, Steve, Sam and Clint are playing darts, Wanda and Vision are cooking, while Rhodes and Thor are looking at the three playing dart while my mothers are watching the three gaming.

'mom, mama' I say and they turn towards me 'finally! Y/n are you joining us?' Peter asks 'maybe later, Pete' I say 'what is it, Y/n?' mama (Nat) asks 'well there is this party..' I start 

'no Y/n, no party' mom (Maria) interrupts 'you didn't even let me finish' I tell her 'we don't want you going to parties, you are an avenger, Y/n' she says 

'so! You all always have parties' I argue 'well because we're grownups' mama says 'that is no excuse' I tell her 'oh yes it is, no you are not going to a party' mom says 

'you guys are unbelievable!' I shout and get back to my room, just a few minutes later the three walk into my room, as the door is closed we all share looks

'what is the plan?' Lena asks and we all laugh 'we all had the same idea' I tell them 'of course, Hailey called you, didn't she?' Kate asks and I nod 

'we have to avoid all the cameras, so how are we gonna do that?' Peter asks 'Lena and I are spies, we know how to sneak around, you will swing out of your room and avoid the outside cameras. We'll see you outside' I tell them 'and me?' Kate asks 

'oh yeah, you'll just have to follow Lena and I' I tell her and she nods 'sounds like a plan, what time do we leave?' Lena asks 

'my mother always takes a round around eleven so I'd say after that, I'll get Elijah to pick us up outside' I tell them and they nod.


It's late and I am in my suit, my dress is in a bag. I hear my mother pass my room and wait for the signal of Lena, who has the room the furthest. 

She then texts me and I open my door slowly, there are no cameras in the hallway, I see Lena's door open and Kate's door

We nod at each other and walk towards the exit of the hallway, there is the first obstacle, the first camera, but it has a blind spot, I sneak into the blind spot and the others follow me

Luckily these aren't 360 cameras, otherwise we had to jump out of the window which was uncomfortable.

So we manage to get out of the compound unseen. Now we're waiting for Elijah. Not a minute later he arrives and Peter is with us 'thanks for picking us up Elijah' I tell him 

'no problem guys' he says and we drive away to the party, as we arrive at the party, Hailey takes it over, taking us to rooms so we can change into our outfits, just 20 minutes later we get downstairs.

There immediately people walk towards us, of course, Kate, Yelena and I are openly avengers, the others know Peter as someone who works for Tony Stark.

-Nat's pov-

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