⚫🔴|| 'like a Black Widow, baby' || N.R || ✔

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TW: Yandere


-Y/n's pov

I walk into the cafe and look around, my music is softly playing in my ears and I am about to get to my work. My eyes then catch a gorgeous redhead

She smirks at me and I give her just a smile. I order my coffee before quickly looking back at the redhead, her eyes are fixated on me, I look away.

I quickly get to my work and start working, but the redhead keeps getting into my mind, god she was drop dead gorgeous.


'come on let's get to that club' Chloe whines 'Chloe, I don't have the money' I say, grabbing some drinks for us 'I'll pay!' he says and I roll my eyes 'well I say let's go' Jade says, everyone agrees so that means we're going.

'we'll be picking you up at 10:30PM' Jade says when she stands up 'uhm okay' I say, Chloe and Jade are roommates so that is why they're leaving together, I am just living alone in my apartment.

I decide to get to my bedroom and open my closet, looking through my dresses. I decide to go for a deep red dress, it is tight and stops mid thigh, it shows my curves good. I do my makeup and hair.

My bell rings and I walk towards the door, putting in my earring. I open the door and see my bestfriends 'goddamn, you look hot' Chloe is the first to speak up 'you think?' I ask 'you're gorgeous!' Jade says and I chuckle 'you two don't look too bad yourselves' I say and they smile

'let's go' Jade then says. We get downstairs and in her car 'where are we going?'  I ask 'that is a surprise' Jade says from behind the wheel, I groan and Chloe chuckles 'you curious girl, god' Chloe says and I laugh 'sorry' I mutter.

After ten minutes we arrive at a busy street, I look around as we get out of the car, oh god, there are many people

I look around and already see some people staring at us, some boys are already drooling and I mentally roll my eyes.

We show our id's and get inside, you smell the mix of alcohol, blood and sweat, you know that people has fought in here. I look around and we decide to get to the bar

We all get some drinks and sit down at the bar. I look around, there is a staircase, I follow where it is going and I see glass compartments 'are those, like, VIP rooms?' I shout to Chloe, who just downed a vodka shot

'yeah, mainly they're empty because they're so expensive' she shouts back, I look around but my eyes find two pairs of green eyes, my breath hitches, I look her up and down, then back up, she has a smirk portrayed on her face, the fucking redhead

'what club is this?' I asks 'Black widow club or something' Chloe shouts over the music, I nod and look back at the redhead she's a rich bitch or something, or else she wouldn't be able to pay for that

quickly look away as I feel the heat on my cheeks 'one vodka shot' I ask the barman, he makes it and I quickly down it, feeling the burning sensation in my throat 'let's get wasted!' Jade then shouts and I chuckle

Before I can say no, there are multiple shots in front of me, Jade and Chloe encourage me to down them one by one, after like four more shots, I feel it kick in.

-Natasha's pov-

There she is... MY baby. Y/n Y/l/n. She just walked into the bar with her best friends Chloe and Jade, she looks so innocent, I want her to myself. They get to the bar and she looks around, then her beautiful y/e/c eyes look into mine, I see a faint blush appear on her face as she looks me up and down, causing me to smirk.

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