🔵⚫ || Dizzy || N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

I have been doing pretty bad the last months, my mental health isn't the best since my best friend Pietro Maximoff died, Wanda, Pietro and I were volunteers from Hydra, we touched a sample of one of the infinity stones and got powers

We ran and joined a robot called Ultron but we soon switched sides for the Avengers, when we were fighting against Ultron he was shot while saving Clint, known as Hawkeye who was trying to save the life of a little boy. Pietro was really like my brother, he and Wanda were the only ones that was left from what I could call somewhat family. 

I started smoking, the avengers caught me and told me to stop because it is bad for me. I had to do something to relieve the pain and I got to vaping, they didn't notice this yet. It is less damaging but still not good for you. I also stopped eating much, I told the Avengers every night that I am not hungry and when they force me to eat I just puke it out after we've finished.

I could've saved Pietro but I didn't it is all my fault. Natasha Romanoff is my girlfriend for already two months, she's really caring but I can't tell her about what is happening in my mind, I don't want to hurt her because she had a hard life too and I don't want to be a burden for her.

My girlfriend is in the living room with everyone and I told them I had to do something, I am in our room, vaping, it really calms me from my anxiety, I am sitting on my windowsill until I start to feel dizzy, I get off of the windowsill and start to walk but I am stumbling 

'what is happening to me...' I mutter and my vision starts to get blurry, I quickly hide my vape and get out of my room, the wall supporting me. I get into the living room 'hey babe!' I hear my girlfriend as I close my eyes for a second but that worsens it 

'h-hey' I say and open my eyes, I hear people standing up 'Y/n are you okay?' I hear Wanda say 'u-uh' I say and stumble towards the couch, just in front of the couch I collapse to the ground 'Y/N!' I hear people shout and soft arms hold me up 'hey, hey, baby I am here, you're okay, I am here' I hear my girlfriend say. 

'hey, hey, stay with us' she says as I close my eyes 'eyes open, Y/n' I hear Tony say 'I-I don't feel good' I mutter 'what did you do in our room?' Nat asks but I close my eyes and lose consciousness.

-Nat's pov-

'FUCK!' I shout and lift my girlfriend up, now I notice how light she is, she's really fragile 'we need to get to the lab' Tony says and we hurry to our lab, people start examining Y/n and we need to leave the room, it worries me, Y/n was stumbling, passes out and when I lift her up I notice how light she is. 

I am bouncing my leg up and down as I am nail biting 'she was really light, I mean with weight' I speak up and everyone looks at me 'do you think...' Steve says 'that she's still mental ill, positive' I say and they all sigh soft 'but what could've caused her to stumble and faint?' Sam says 

'I haven't seen her eat today, she trained the whole entire day and went to our room and came here' I say and stand up 'exhaustion?' Tony asks 'no, she can survive a day without food, she has done something in our room, I should go and check' I say and they nod 'should I go with you?' Wanda asks but I shake my head 'no I am okay, thanks' I say. 

I get into our room and see smoke 'fuck Y/n...' I mutter, I look around, under the bed, behind cabinets and there it is, a vape, she told us that she stopped smoking and got to vaping, now I know what happened, she hasn't eaten and used a vape afterwards, then you faint easily. 

I get back with the vape in my hands and Bruce is outside 'and?' I ask 'she fainted due that she hasn't eaten' he explains 'and used this afterwards' I say and hold up the vape 'the room was full of smoke and I found this behind one of our cabinets' I explain 

'is she awake?' I ask and he nods, I get inside the room and Y/n is with her back faced to me 'baby' I say and she looks over her shoulder, her eyes widen as she sees what I am holding 'baby, look at me' I say and she turns, she has tears forming into her eyes 

'why, why couldn't you just tell me?' I ask her 'I-I didn't want to be a burden, you also have a bad life, I didn't want to worsen it with my problems' she says and that breaks me 'baby, I am here, you can tell me everything, just eat and stay healthy please' I say and hug her, she hugs me back 'cuddle?' she asks and I chuckle, I get into the bed and she lays between my legs, her head on my shoulder 

'I love you' I whisper 'I love you too, Nat' she whisper and I kiss the top of her head. We snuggle for a while.

-Two days later (Y/n's pov)-

I walk into the living room and everyone is sitting on the couch 'hey Y/n' Tony speaks up 'hey' I say and walk over to them 'sit down please' he says, I get onto the couch and lay with my back against Nat 'we want to talk about what happened two days ago' he starts and I gulp, Nat puts her arm around my waist and pulls me closer to her

'y-yeah' I say 'we just want you to be happy and healthy, Nat noticed that you were really fragile and we haven't seen you eat much, we just want  you to come to us when you need something off of your shoulders because we don't want to lose someone amazing like you' he says 

'y-yeah, I am sorry, I just don't want to b-be a burden' I say and look down 'Y/n, you aren't a burden, everyone here has hard times sometimes but we just want you to talk about it, it'll release the stress off of your shoulders' Steve says, I look at him 

'so, no vaping' Tony says 'and you'll be eating and afterwards keeping it in your body' Nat says and chuckles 'also no self harming' Wanda speaks up and I look at her 'understood?' Tony asks and I nod 'yeah, understood' I say and chuckle, Nat kisses the side of my head 'good job, baby' she whispers and I smile. 

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