🟠⚫ || Hail Hydra || Avengers || ✔

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Y/n is getting controlled by Hydra. She's sent on mission to let the Avengers trust her, she becomes an Avenger but fucks up missions.


'okay Y/n, you're going to the avengers and pretend that you escaped us, Hydra. You'll gain their trust and become an avenger, then steal their valuable documents and get back to us, is that clear?' my leader asks me

'of course, sir' I say blankly and he nods 'you're jet is going in twenty minutes, go pack' he says and I nod once again. I quickly pack and get to the jet, in a few hours I'll be in the NYC instead of in Sokovia.

I am walking around New York, the Avengers tower is massive and you can see it from every point in New York. I get to the tower and ring the bell, I look straight at the camera.

-Nat's pov-

We're all sitting in the living room, talking and drinking. Until the bell rings, we all turn to Tony who rolls his eyes and stands up, he grabs his tablet and looks on it. We all look at him 'it's a girl?' he says with a frown

'a girl? like a fangirl?' Clint asks 'I don't know?' Tony says 'Friday do a scan of this girl' Tony says and a few seconds there is silence 'Y/n Y/l/n, Hydra prisoner' Friday answers. I look at Wanda who looks down

'Wanda' I say and she looks up and hums 'do you know her?' I ask and she nods 'Y/n Y/l/n... yes' she says 'should we let her in... or?' Thor says 'let her in' Steve says 'what if she's a spy' Tony then says 'no, she looks too weak for that' Steve says

'I'll buzz her in' Tony says and we all walk down, she runs in 'oh my gosh, the Avengers, thank you' she says with tears in her eyes, she scans them and then her eyes widen 'W-wanda...' she mutters

'hey Y/n' Wanda says and walks towards Y/n, giving her a hug 'I've missed you' Y/n says 'I missed you too' Wanda says 'uhm, sorry, I escaped Hydra and need a place to stay, you guys seem safe to trust?' she says and I laugh, Steve walks towards her

'I am sure you'll be safe here, nice to meet you, Steve Rogers, Captain America' Steve says and she shakes his hand


It's been a week, Y/n's settled in and she's a natural in fighting, interesting... I still don't trust her. I walk into the living room and she's sitting on the windowsill, looking outside, it's raining pretty hard 'hey Y/n' I say, she looks around and hums, her eyes stop glowing purple

'oh-' I mutter and walk towards her 'what did they do to you at Hydra?' I ask 'experiment' she says before looking away

'what kinds of experiments?' I ask 'touching Loki's staff for example, surprising I survived' she says and looks at me, her eyes glow purple, she opens her hand and purple twirls in it, just like Wanda's powers

'are your powers similar to Wanda?' I ask and she nods 'mindreading, mind control, illusions and energy manipulation' she says 'did they hurt you?' I ask, she looks down before looking away, it's silent for a moment but then she hums, meaning that she got hurt there.

'I am happy you guys let me stay, I'll go as soon as I am able to live on my own' she then says

'actually, we wanted to make you an Avenger, you're a natural in fighting and you'd be useful' Tony then says as he walks into the living room

'really?' Y/n asks, her eyes lighting up with joy 'of course!' Tony says 'thank you so much!' she says, getting off of the windowsill.

-Y/n's pov-

'it's going great, they're trusting me to become an avenger, they think I am a natural in fighting' I reread my message once again before sending it, then there is a sharp pain in my head 'god' I mutter

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