🟠🔵⚫ || Y/n Christine Maximoff Strange pt.3 || W.M || ✔

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-Few weeks later-

Now, I am on my way to the wedding of my mom, my stepdad is a fun guy. I get inside and see my dad, he's sitting in the middle of the right row.

I get to him and sit down 'hey dad' I say 'hey kiddo' he says and kisses the top of my head. A few minutes later my mom appears in her beautiful dress, the ceremony is amazing.

It is a great event, my dad and I are looking at my mom and my stepdad as they're dancing, he has tears stained in his eyes 'dad' I say and give him a hug.

After the dance my dad and I stand at the bar and my mom walks towards the bar 'glass of red please' she says to the man 'oh, allow me!' I say and wave my hand over her glass, the liquid turns into red liquid, she chuckles 'congrats mom' I say and she smiles

'thank you, my dear' she says 'Charlie keeps getting excited when he sees you, it is embarrassing but he's a big fan of Dr. Strange and Dr. Strange Jr' she says and I laugh as I look at my dad 'why is it embarrassing, I mean I am amazing!' I joke

'no, no I am just joking' I say and chuckle 'I'll see you, sweetheart' she says 'thank you for coming by the way, Stephen' she says and walks a bit away with my father, they're having a chat. I decide to get to the balcony and look at New York.

I look away inside and see my mom walking away from my dad but I quickly turn my head as I hear loud sounds, more people get to the balcony to see what is happening, my dad walks towards me 'what is happening?' he asks 'I have no idea' we say and look, people are running

'showtime, Y/n' he says and we gulp down our alcohol, I put my glass down 'thank you' I say and grab my cloak that was under my dress, I put it around my neck and in sync I jump down with my dad, as soon as I open my arms I am in my Dr. Strange Jr. outfit.


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We fly towards the chaos.Cars are flying in the air and my dad saves a woman from a car that was chasingher. We land and look around but we can't sight any danger.

We only hear thuds from someone or something walking. I see a girl entering a bus that is in the middle of the streets 'weird' I say and my father sees it too. Then the bus gets lifted by nothing 'this is fucked up' I say and my father does something that makes a weird creature appear

It had an invisibility charm on it, that is why we didn't see it. My father makes the bus go into pieces and the girl is hanging on a bar 'oh god' I mutter and she starts screaming as the creatures tentacle comes closer 'Y/n, distract it!' my father shouts and I chops off its tentacle.

Then the girl starts to slip, I see her losing grip and I quickly throw my cloak towards her, it catches her and flies towards me and my father, it then goes back around my neck.

My father throws the bus onto the creature and we look at the girl 'look out!' she shouts and hides behind me, my dad and I turn around and see the bus getting thrown at as, my father makes it go into two pieces and we're safe.

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