🟠🔵 || 'I am just a singer, babe' || K.B || ✔

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Y/n is Ariana Grande.

-Y/n's pov-

I am on my way to New York City. I have a few shows in New york city so I'll be staying here for at least a week.

I am Y/n Y/l/n, I am 20 years old and one of the most popular singers of the world at the moment, I am on world tour and now I am in america.

I went to United kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkiye

Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico

Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las vegas, Phoenix, Houston, Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, Charlotte, Washington

And now I am on my way to New York, in New york city are my last concerts from the tour, it's sad because I really love touring around and meeting fans all over the world but I am also very tired

It's an hour flight between Washington and New York so I won't be doing a lot, I just finish up some paperwork and before I can know it, I already landed.

I get out of my jet and there is my car, my driver opens the door and I get inside, he drives us straight to my apartment in the center of new york.

I get into my apartment and immediately go to bed, because it's already late and I have a lot to do tomorrow.


it's the next day and I am with my crew at the location, I am in my dressing room with a few of my crew, one is doing my hair, my makeup and the third one is showing me the outfits I need to wear.

'Alexa, I don't like that outfit, we can just scrap that one' I tell her and she nods 'then we'll do this blue one?' she asks 'yes love it!' I say and Valencia is styling my curtain bangs, we'll keep my hair down.

Julia is doing my makeup and it's a beautiful but natural look. Then my manager Jason walks into my room 'Y/n, here are your inears, we'll have a sound check in thirty minutes, put on your first outfit' he says 'I will!' I say.


Half an hour later I am on the stage, we're doing the sound check and everything sounds great, I do my song one last time, one of my personal favourites.

'we're ready!' I hear and the music starts 'I was a liar... I gave into the fire. I know I should've fought it. At least I'm being honest' I sing, keeping my eyes closed 'Feel like a failure' I continue, walking around

'Cause I know that I failed you. I should've done you better. Cause you don't want a liar. And I know, and I know, and I know. She gives you everything' I continue, looking at Jason who is smiling

'But, girl, I couldn't give it to you. And I know, and I know, and I know that you got everything. But I got nothing here without you.' I sing

'So one last time. I need to be, the one, who takes you home. One more time. I promise, after that, I'll let you go' I sing. 'Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart. I really care is you wake up in my arms' I sing and smile to myself.

'One last time I need to be the one who takes you home. I don't deserve it, I know I don't deserve it But stay with me a minute, I swear I'll make it worth it' I sing and walk onto the bridge that is connected with a circle platform where people can stand around.

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