🔵 || New Teacher pt. 2 || N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov, next week-

Nat and I have been texting through the weekend, to be honest, it is really cute how she came to this universe to see me. Still I have to act like she's my teacher but that's okay. Now I am on my way to school with my friends, Laila and Chase. 

So we arrive at school and I see a black BMW X3 arrive, Nat. The windows are tinted as she drives past us 'so how were yours weekends?' Chase then asks 'oh it was fine, I had a hockey match and we won 5-2, I've scored three goals' I say 

'you go girl! Laila and I need to come to one of your matches one day' he says and I laugh 'that would be fun' I say and smile 'and you?' I ask him 'just chilled with some friends' he says 'nice' I say and we walk past Nat

I look at her and she gives me a wink, I smile and look back. We enter the school, there are Niall, Kaylee, Mara, Ashley, Nick, Lucy, Hailee, Jade, Hugo, Luca and Vince are already waiting for us 'there y'all are!' Kaylee says 

'sorry, we took a late bus' I say and laugh, we get to our lockers and afterwards to our classes, some of us have History and the others have France so I go with Kaylee, Laila, Niall, Lucy, Nick, Vince and Chase to France while Mara, Ashley, Hailee, Jade, Hugo and Luca go to History 

We get into the classroom and our France teacher isn't there yet, we get to our assigned seats and some just stand, other sit on their chairs while I sit on the table with my back against the wall 'so, what do y'all think about Romanoff?' I ask 

'she's okay' they all say 'I find her pretty nice' I say 'she's with her heads in the clouds because of you, no wonder' Vince says 'in the clouds?' I ask 'yeah, I mean girl, you look fabulous no wonder she likes you' Kaylee says 

'but what is the connection between how I look and why she would like me. Kaylee you also look stunning but she didn't even gave you one glance' I say 'I don't know then' Kaylee says. Then our French teacher walks in and I sigh, I hate the subject because of the teacher, he's just so annoying.

We all sit down and start with class. After French class we have Biology, Physics and Math. Then we have recess 'so, Romanoff is really obsessed with you' I hear Lucy say as she walks towards us 

'what is wrong with Romanoff?' I ask 'she was talking about you to a new teacher in our class' Vince explains 'new teacher?' I ask 'yeah, brown/reddish hair, rather tall, green eyes and she was wearing some red jacket' Lucy says fucking Wanda 

'oh okay' I say and stand up 'going to get some food!' I say and walk down, I open my phone and text Nat

Nat <3

Y: Wanda's here huh?

N: yes, she's here, you coming?

Y: already omw 

N: see you soon, sunshine<3

I walk towards the classroom and the door is open 'hey Y/n!' Flo says 'hey, need to do something so see you in a bit' I say and open the door, I walk inside and close it 'I knew you'd be here' I say and Wanda turns around 'oh' Wanda says 

'Wanda fucking Maximoff' I say and laugh 'damn she isn't even a bit different from our Y/n' Wanda says and Nat and I laugh, Nat walks over to me and gives me a kiss on the top of my head 'so whatcha doin here?' I ask Wanda crossing my arms over each other 'checking up on you two' she says 'damn' I say and laugh 

'people heard you two talk about me' I then say 'who did?' Nat asks 'Lucy, Vince, Jade etcetera ' I say 'oh yeah' Nat says 'so you're going to teach here also?' I ask Wanda 'yeah, the boys are with me' she says and my eyes widen 

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