🔵 || 'slam your door, lose your door' || W.M and V.M || ✔

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-Y/n's pov (night)-

I am laying in bed, I live with my parents in Westview and I am waiting for my girlfriend to come to my window so I can let her in, I didn't tell my parents that I have a girlfriend because I am scared how they'll react

I then hear a soft bonk on my window and I jump up from my bed, I open the curtains and there is she, my girlfriend Jade. I let her inside and she pecks my lips 'I missed you' she whispers 'I missed you too' I say and close the window behind her

She gets towards my bed and I walk after her, we lay on my bed and just start talking, I am laying on her chest while she's stroking my hair 

'so, have you told your parents about us yet?' she asks 'no, I am scared' I say 'don't be, they'll support you, and then we don't have to be sneaky anymore' she says 'you're right' I say and chuckle, suddenly I hear sounds outside of my bed and we both sit up 

'Y/n?' I hear my mothers voice 'quick under the bed!' I say to Jade and she gets under my bed 'yeah mom?' I ask her and she opens the door 'what was that noise?' she asks 'what noise?' I ask 

'I heard you talk, to someone. Are you on a call with someone?' she asks 'no, must've been outside' I say and she nods 'you're right, goodnight darling' she says 'goodnight mom' I say and she closes the door 'that was close' I say and Jade comes from under my bed 

We talk for a while until Jade sadly has to leave, I give her a goodnight peck on her lips before she leaves, I close my window and get to my bed, I quickly fall asleep.

-Next day-

I get downstairs 'why didn't you tell us?' my mother says 'tell you what?' I ask 'that you have a girlfriend?' she says 'wha-' I say and look at my father 'we saw her leave' he says 'I ehm-' I say and look at them 'why, why didn't you tell us that you're dating some skater chick!' my mother says

 'you know, I wanted to but this is the exact reason I didnt!' I say and run upstairs, I slam my door and sigh, I make myself ready for school and leave without saying anything.

-Time skip-

I come home from school and see that my father is carrying my door 'what the actual hell?' I say 'slam your door, lose your door' my mom says 'dad, dad. She's crazy, you know that' I say and look at him 'you need to be more open with us' he says 

's-so this is a good start teaching your daughter, she has no privacy or, or boundaries or agency?' I ask 'don't you try to feminist me, sweetie' my mom says 'so, every lie is an another week without your door' she says 'this is such bullshit!' I say and slam the wall next to me 

'so, tell us, who is this girl!' my mother says 'it is none of your business!' I shout and walk away 'oh don't you walk away from my, young lady' my mom says and I walk downstairs 'I walk away from you all I want!' I say and unlock my phone, I call Jade. 

While dialing her I open the door, she then picks up 'hey princess' she says 'hey, can you pick me up?' I say and look behind me, my mom is coming down the stairs 'I am on my way, be there in five' she says 

'Y/n Maximoff get back here!' my mom shouts and I walk straight out of the door 'thanks, love you' I say and hang up 'you don't even know her and you already have an opinion, that's bullshit!' I say and twirl my powers in my hands 

'just tell me who this girl is and we'll be fine' my mom says 'you'll meet her' I say and then Jade comes driving on her motorcycle, she stops behind me and gives me my helmet 'thanks, love' I say and she scoots back, I sit in front of her and grab the handles 

'don't you drive away, Y/n!' my mom says 'oh so I can't... Do this!' I say and drive away with full speed 'what happened?' Jade asks as one of her hands is on my waist 'they saw you and removed my door. I then burst out of anger and called you' I say and chuckle 

'that's fucking hot' Jade says and I laugh, we arrive at her house and we put off our helmets 'I love you' I say 'I love you too' she says and kisses me 

'I became mad when my mom called you a skater chick, I mean, you're badass but she had an opinion before knowing you' I say and Jade laughs 'you're cute' she says. We get inside of her house, she lives alone right now because her parents are in an another county.

-Time skip-

my phone has been ringing non-stop but I have put it off, I need time away from my parents, I am mad at them 'you're really mad, aren't you?' Jade asks and I turn my head from the movie to her 'yeah I am' I say and she laughs 'it's cute' she mutters and kisses my cheek 

'that my princess is mad at her mother who could kill her in seconds and a father that knows everything' she says 'hey, I am a mix of those two, so I should be powerful too' I say and she laughs 'you indeed are' she admits 

'yesss' I say and smirk 'I am getting us some drinks, wait here' she says and stands up, I just nod and look back at the movie. A few moments later, Jade gets back 'here you go, love' she says and hands me a glass of juice 

'thank you' I say and take a few sips, she also puts down some  food which I smile, Jade looks badass, if she's in a gang and can kill you in seconds, which could be true, but with me, she has a soft spot for me I think, it's too cute.  

Then the doorbell rings 'I'll get it' I say and stand up 'wait' she says and I turn to her, she pouts her lips and I laugh, I peck her lips a few times and pull away from her. 

I walk towards the door and open it, but I quickly regret that decision 'we've been worried sick!' my mom says who engulfs me into a hug, she pulls away and I try to close the door, but my father holds it open

'ahw are you gonna take this one away as well?!' I ask him and he takes a step back 'that's what I thought' I mutter 'she's changed you, hasn't she?' my mother says 

'Jade is an amazing person, she looks like she's in a gang or something but she's really sweet, you're just scared that your "little" Y/n runs away from you but you know what! I ain't little anymore!' I say 

'I just don't want you to get hurt..' she says 'well you are the one that hurt me, Jade hasn't!' I say 'how long is this relationship going?' my father asks 'seven months' I say 'and you didn't think about telling us?' he asks 

'well, look how mom reacted, of course I held it a secret' I say 'I am sorry, darling. I really am' she says and I sigh 'I forgive you mom' I say and she smiles softly 'Jade!' I shout and she walks towards me 'what is wrong, love?' she asks 

'I want you to meet my parents, properly' I say and laugh 'it is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. Maximoff' Jade says politely and shakes their hands 'it was a fault to take conclusions' my mom says 'yes it was' I say and chuckle 

'don't hurt Y/n or I'll hurt you' my mom says with a threatening voice 'I wouldn't hurt Y/n, never in a million years. She is the best thing that has happened to me in my whole entire life' Jade says and wraps her arm around my waist.

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