🟠🔵 || Hydra Agent || W.M || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

'Y/n, wake up!' someone shouts and I quickly open my eyes and stand up 'morning, sir' I say and look at the scientist in front of me.

'good morning, we are sending you on a mission. You are going to school in America to get close to investigate the Avengers tower. So go with dr. Thomasson and prepare, we will sent you with a private yet. Dr. Thomasson will explain your backstory and gives you more information' he says and I nod

I walk with the doctor and we get into a room, he gives me clothes, makeup, and everything a teenage girl needs.

Oh sorry! Hey, I am Y/n Muller and I am nineteen years old and live in Hydra headquarters in Germany, I have lived with Hydra my whole entire life and they have experimented on me, so I have powers.

My powers are purple in color and will get activated and stronger when I sing, I can levitate things, control people, manipulate energy and kill people with my voice.

The Avengers, what a group, it is known that every Avenger is dead, they were on a mission and never came back, that was a big relief for Hydra.

'okay so you are an exchange student from Germany where you lived with your grandmother because your parents had passed away. You have an apartment together with agent 260 and 365, they are already on the school so you are not alone. You are there because you are attending school and as extra, try to hack into the computers of the Avengers, they might have good stuff that we can use' he explains and gives me a laptop and phone, I look on my phone and nod

'okay, let's go' he says and I smile and nod, we get to the storage where many planes are stocked, I get into one and we take off, it is a long flight and I decide to get some sleep.

-Wanda's pov-

'we have noticed that there are two hydra agents on midtown high school, the school Peter is on' Fury is explaining 'you guys are going undercover and become teachers' he says

'everyone thinks we're dead and for a few hydra agents that are probably nineteen, we are going to throw that away and become teachers?!' Nat says as she stands up

'this is our only chance to get close to hydra, they've been under the radar for way too long and you guys need to get off of your asses' Fury explains 'Steve has math, Bucky has P.E, Bruce has Science, Natasha has Russian and Wanda has English literature' Fury says and Nat sighs.

'what are their names?' Steve asks

'Hailee Wagner and Hugo Abneil, they are both German exchange students and are here already for eight months. Also, you are gonna have fake names, so Steve will be Chris Evans. Bucky you will be Sebastian Stan. Bruce you will be Mark Ruffalo. Natasha you will be Scarlett Johansson and Wanda you will be Elizabeth Olsen' Fury explains.

-Y/n's pov-

'miss, we have landed twenty minutes ago' a female voice says who wakes me up 'oh, thank you' I say and stand up, grabbing my belongings before getting out of the jet

I make my way to my apartment and get inside 'hey' I hear agent 260's voice, a smile comes up on my face

'Hailee!' I say and hug her 'finally you are here, they told me that you would come after me, it has been eight months!' she says and I laugh

'doesn't your boy best friend get a hug?' I hear Hugo's voice behind me, I turn around and run towards him, giving him a big hug

'so, we're living together again!' I say and chuckle 'hell we are' Hugo says 'I am starving so I am off to the kitchen' Hailee says and leaves

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