🔴 || Mine || S.J || ✔

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-Scar's pov-

Today is the premier of Black Widow and Y/n is talking with some fans although they're touching her in ways that isn't appropriate.

So, they're making pictures with her while touching her on places their filthy hands shouldn't be

I like Y/n for like a month or two right now and it is killing me how people are touching her or are close to her.

Our character in the Avengers are together, Y/n plays Wanda's sister Y/n Maximoff, it is an amazing experience.

Every since I saw Y/n, I was stunned, she's just perfect 'Y/n please can I take a picture with you?' a fan squeals

I am standing a few meters behind her, people want to take pictures with me and I agree but my eyes stay on Y/n.

The fan walks over to Y/n and wraps and arm around her, Y/n just smiles as the picture is taken, suddenly the fan kisses Y/n's cheek and I sigh angrily

I walk over to them and pull Y/n away from the fan 'oh hey Scar!' Y/n says as I wrap my arm around her waist

'do you have the picture?' the fan asks her friend 'yes!' the other one squeals 'delete it' I say blankly, the fan looks at me and frowns 'why?' she asks

'you had your lips on someone elses girlfriend!' I say 'b-but Y/n is single?' the fan says questioningly 'she isn't' I say and pull Y/n with me away from the fans.

'why did you say I have a girlfriend?' she asks me as we walk inside, I don't answer her, I just pull her with me

Towards an empty corridor, there I push her against the wall and look into her eyes, trapping her with my arms.

'because you're mine' I say through my gritted teeth 'w-what?' she says and I don't hesitate to put my lips against hers

She's shocked at first but then kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck to pull me closer.

I smirk into the kiss and pull away 'tell me that you're mine' I say and look into her eyes 'I- I am yours' she says and I smirk, kissing her again.

'Scar, we have to go' she then says as she pulls away, I grab her hand and we walk into the room, it's massive, Y/n and I go to our seats which are next to each other.

The movie starts and I smile softly, I put my hand on Y/n's thigh and she looks at me with wide eyes, I give her a reassuring smile and she focuses back on the movie.

-Y/n's pov-

She has her hands on me, oh my god someone kill me. I have liked Scarlett for a long while now, I already liked her before Marvel but now that we're playing each others love interest it's even more perfect.

And that what happened outside, I don't know if she meant it or if she saw something else. I hope she meant it because i'd die to be hers.

Now she has her hand on my fucking thigh, I slowly put my hand on hers and I look at the scene. She's talking to Yelena, about Y/n Maximoff 'she's just perfect, I love her' Natasha says

Yelena looks down and chuckles 'she's great, Nat. Many men and women would die to get her' Yelena says and I look down, knowing that many people would do that for fucking Scarlett Johansson.


'Scar, we can't do this' I mutter 'yes we can, baby, yes we can' she says and kisses me, we're in the limo back to the hotel

'god I have waited so long to kiss those lips of yours' she whispers and goes down to my neck, she starts creating big and small hickeys

'S-scar' I mutter and she smirks, her hand goes down to my core and she just scratches up and down my leg.

We arrive at the hotel and we quickly get inside, the second we enter her room, she pushes me against the wall, kissing me roughly.

I kiss gladly back and she swipes her tongue over my lower lip, I grant her access and her tongue explores every inch of my mouth.

She then lifts me up, wrapping my legs around her waist as she walks towards her bed. She throgs me on the bed and climbs above me, immediately reattaching herself to my neck, creating more and more hickeys.

She slowly trails down to my core, teasing me 'Scar please' I whine 'what do you want, baby?' she asks 'just fuck me!' I shout and she smirks

'gladly' she says and helps me get rid of my dress, she practically tears my underwear and I gasp as two fingers enter me, she leans above me, kissing me as I moan uncontrollably 'S-scar' I moan loudly as she hits the spot.

'mine' she whispers and I nod 'I'm yours!' I shout as I climax, she slowly pulls out and I let out a loud moan.

She smirks as she licks up the cum from her fingers 'you taste, amazing' she says and I chuckle, she then lifts me up and walks towards the bathroom

She sets me on the counter as she starts the shower, she looks at me and I frown 'aftercare?' I ask 'round two?' she says with a smirk

'hell yeah!' I say and she laughs, getting us in the shower, she pushes me against the wall and we have a makeout session, she then puts her leg between my legs and I grind onto her thigh.

'now now, so eager are we baby?' she asks and I just nod, she then kisses my neck and slowly trails her kisses down my body

When she arrives at my core she latches herself on and I immediately start moaning again, I hold onto her head, scared she'll stop but she's aggressively eating me out, heaven.

That's all I can say, heaven. She then also adds her fingers and I didn't know it was possible but I start to see stars.

I come closer and closer to my climax and she notices, because she is speeding up 'S-scar I am going to cum' I moan 'let it go baby' she says and I let go

She rides out my orgasm as she pulls out slowly, holding my body up as all the energy drains away. 'mine' she mutters and kisses me, she then pulls me under the shower and washes off the sweat, mixed with my cum

'b-but, you didn't release' I say, half sleepy 'you'll get to make me finish another day, baby. Now , you're tired' she says and I nod.

We get out of the shower and she dries us off before laying me in bed, she joins me and I quickly drift off.


I wake up with arms around me and I snuggle further into her, I hear her hum in approval and I smile softly.

'morning, my love' she says 'good morning' I say 'had a good sleep?' she asks and I nod 'it hurts' I then whine 'have I gone too hard on you, baby?' she asks and I chuckle

'but it was worth it' I say and she nods 'it surely was' she says and kisses me 'anyway, about you being mine, do you want to?' she asks and my eyes widen

'of course!' I say and she smiles brightly 'I love you, Y/n' she says 'I love you too, Scar' I say and she kisses me.

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