⚫🔵🟠 || The best widow || N.R || ✔

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TW: slight depression, fainting


'Romanova' I say and madam B nods, allowing me to enter the practice room, there is Dreykov, holding a gun and I see a man on his knees, a bag over his head 'general' I say 

'Romanova' he says and smirks 'here' he says and hands me the gun 'kill the man' he orders and I nod, raising the gun, shooting the man in the middle his head

'good job, Romanova' he says and I hand him the gun 'my golden widow' he say sand I nod, not looking him in the eye.

Suddenly someone runs into the room 'general we're being attacked!' the man says 'Romanova, come with me' he says and we leave the practice room, I follow him and I hear screams left and right, we arrive at his office and he orders me to sit down.

Suddenly the door opens 'my god' Dreykov says and I look at the brown haired woman, Melina 'so how was uh, the family reunion?' Dreykov asks Melina, she looks at me and gives me a nod. 

'oh, it was awful. They were clingy and too emotional, and needy' Melina says causing me to chuckle 'hm, just like old times huh?' he asks 'hmm' Melina says and looks at me

I stand up and walk behind Dreykov's desk, unlocking it, checking some things about Yelena Belova.

'Yelena Belova. What's the deal with her?' he asks and looks at the screen 'She was the only one affected, right?' I ask her 'as far as I know, yes' Melina answers. I look at her, she's a bit off, I bet Dreykov notices it too.

'these gasses and antidotes, it's a pain in my ass. It's a problem. You need to sort it' he says 'hmm. I have nine pigs that will require attending to in my absence' she answers 'don't give a shit about your pigs' he says and forces her to sit down.

He gets a hold of her head 'cut Belova her brain out, identify her weakness' Dreykov starts 'and Romanoff?' Melina asks, looking directly in my eyes, now I notice that this isn't Melina, this is someone else, I look at Dreykov but I don't know if he notices.

'she's a traitor. She turned her back on her people. On her blood. She had nothing. I gave her home. I gave her love. Put that thing in her you do. You know, uh, chemicals. Turn her into one of your pigs. Can you imagine what I could do with an Avenger under my control?' he asks 'Wouldn't you like to speak to her first?' Melina asks

'When you look into the eyes of a child you have raised, no mask in the world can hide that.' he answers and leans back, reaching out for her face but she catches his arm, but his other hand goes to her face and pulls something off?A redhead... Natalia Alianovna Romanova. My mama. 

I was right 'welcome home' he says and she stands up 'is this your plan?' he asks 'my plan is to kill you' she says with a sly smirk 'I'm alive. So, what do we do now?' he asks.

'What was my mother's name?' she asks 'ah. Where we buried her, there was a tree... Um... A pink blossom. Beautiful. And there was a tombstone with her name engraved on it.' he says and pauses

'What was her name?' he asks and chuckles '"Unknown."' he answers 'You don't feel anything? You feel anything when I killed your daughter?' she asks 'Is this your haunted past? Really?' he asks and laughs.

'Thank you, Natasha. You gave me my greatest weapons. Say hello.' he says and Antonia walks into the room, I walk over to her and help her put off her mask.

'When your bomb exploded, it nearly killed my Antonia. I had to put a chip in the back of her neck. In the back of her neck. Look at her. You find it difficult to look at her? I do. She... She watches everything and she can do it. She's a perfect mimic. And she fights just like all of your friends.' he explains and I just look at Romanova

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