🟠🔵 || Thanos pt. 2 || T.S || ✔

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-Y/n's pov, few months later-

It has been a while since my "death" Oh, it wasn't my idea, it was Stephen Strange's idea, he made an illusion of me dying, for the fate of the universe and the multiverse, I don't know. 

I have been spying on them for a while and they've restored everything helped people and they're back on track, everyone seems to have a happy life, well, I can't say happy, I keep seeing them cry when they're alone, especially Nat, which I hate, I don't want her crying. 

I am walking around the city, cap on my head, hood up and looking down, it's pretty cold and I don't know what I am doing outside but I wanted to clear my mind, I decide to get some coffee because it's so cold. 

I get inside a coffee shop and order, the barista doesn't recognize me luckily and I get my coffee, I sit down in the corner and sip my coffee, suddenly I see Steve and Sam walk in, I quickly grab my phone and look down, not daring to look up. 

I hear the door open again and I see them leaving. I get up and leave, taking my cup with me, I open the door and look around, they're not here anymore. 

I start walking again and I walk towards the park, my safe spot. I arrive in the park and get to a bench, I sit down and close my eyes for a moment. I open my eyes back and look around, I then meet a very familiar pair of brown eyes 'fuck...' I mutter, I quickly stand up and turn around 'mrs!' I hear Peter's voice behind me 'goddamnit' I mutter and start running.

-Peter's pov-

I am walking around the park Y/n and I used to go, she was like a sister for me and I really miss her. I look around and see a y/h/c girl sitting on a bench, she has a hat on and her hood is up, but I then look at her face and I gasp... 

'Y/n?' I mutter, I walk towards her and she opens her eyes and looks around, her face goes pale, I see her mutter something before quickly standing up and walking away 'mrs!' I shout and go after her, but she starts running and I lose track of her.

I quickly head back to the compound, I barge into the living room, everyone is minding their own business 'guys!' I say, they all look at me, pale, red and tired eyes. 'what is it Peter?' Nat asks

'I saw Y/n! She's alive!' I say, mr. Stark sighs and stands up 'Peter, Y/n is dead, just try and get over it, we're all trying it' he says 'b-but I really saw her, in the park' I say 'Peter, please, don't make jokes about Y/n' Wanda says in an almost pleading voice

'really, I really saw her, just trust me!' I say, Wanda then stands up and her eyes glow red 'Peter' she says in a scary voice 'scary witch, scary witch' I mutter and quickly get out of the living room.

-Nat's pov-

I quickly stand up as Peter ran away 'Wanda, Wanda. Are you okay?' I ask, putting my hand on her cheek, her eyes go normal and she looks at me 'y-yeah' she says and leaves the room 'do you really think that Y/n is still alive?' Steve asks 

'I don't know, I mean, we saw her die' Rhodey says 'enough, it's already hard enough to talk about my daughters death' Tony says and we nod. 

It grows silent again and I decide to check on Wanda, I decide to get to her room and I knock onto the door, I can't hear a sound from inside, I slowly open the door and a red glow lights up the room

I get fully inside and see Wanda, she's floating in the air, concentrated on a kind of book that is in front of her 'W-wanda?' I ask 'Nat' she says and turns around, I hear the door lock and she lands in front of me

She has a complete other outfit on and it creeps me out 'Wanda what is this?' I ask, I look at her hands and her fingertips are black, I quickly grab one of her hands and examine it 'this is my true self' she says with a sly smirk and I look at her 

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