🔵⚫🟠 || 'y-you're alive?' || W.M || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

He, appears, the man himself, Thanos. I look at my wife in front of me, already in position to attack 'cap, that's him' Bruce says

'eyes up, stay sharp. Y/n, Stay safe' he says, so, the only thing keeping me alive right now is the mind stone, I don't know how they did it but it's my life source, just like with Tony and his iron heart thing.

Everyone starts attacking Thanos but he's easily beating them, it's useless 'Wanda' I say and she looks at me 'it's time, you know it.' I say

'no' she says and looks away 'they can't stop him, Wanda. But we can' I say and grab her hand 'look at me' I say and she looks at me

'I will die, either way, you know it' I say 'you have the power to destroy the stone, so do it' I say and put her hand on my heart, where the stone is.

'you know I can't, I can't Y/n' she says and I sob 'I know, my love. But I'll die either way, If he gets this stone, half the Universe dies. So do it' I say

'It's not fair. It shouldn't be you' she says 'but it is. It's all right. You could never hurt me. I just feel you. I love you.' I say

'I love you too' she mutters and she starts to do it, it hurts like shit and now she's also holding Thanos back, I feel the stone shatter and the life in me drains away. I feel my eyes close.

-Wanda's pov-

I am holding him back, away from her, but he's too strong, Y/n falls onto the ground and he walks towards me. 'I understand, my child. Better than anyone' he says 'You could never.' I say, venom dripping from my voice.

'Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn.Now...is no time at all.' he says and uses the time stone to rewind time

Y/n becomes alive again and I notice what his next move will be 'NO!' I shout but he pushes me away and kills her, achieving the mind stone 'no..' I mutter.

Then Thor appears and hits him in the chest 'I told you...You'd die for that.' he says and pushes the hammer deeper into Thanos who groans in pain. 'You should have...You...You should have gone for the head!' Thanos says and clicks his fingers.


-Y/n's pov-

I open my eyes and frown as I see that I am in a cell, why am I in a cell? I look around and someone then stands in front of me.

'Y/n' he says and laughs, I frown 'who are you?' I ask 'I am director Hayward, from S.W.O.R.D' he says 'what is S.W.O.R.D?' I ask 'it is an extra-governmental intelligence agency' he explains

'why am I here?' I ask 'you are here because we saved you' he says 'saved me? what do you mean? I was on the battlefield and Thanos was there, Wanda, my wife, was holding him back but he... Where is the stone?!' I then realise

I look down at where my heart is but there are just bandages 'as I said, we saved you' he says. I look up at him 'what happened to the stone?' I ask

'Thanos got it, it has been two years since the first attack, you've been in a coma since then' he explains.

'so Thanos won?' I ask and he nods 'so where are the avengers? What happened? How did this happen?' I ask

'half of the population is gone, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you need to start working with your powers, we need our weapon back' he says and I frown

'weapon?' I ask 'no more questions!' he says and I get let out of the cell, forcing to walk with someone.


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