chapter 11

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Today was just the next day, It was pretty quiet in Kantou Manji Gang's headquarters

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Today was just the next day, It was pretty quiet in Kantou Manji Gang's headquarters. No one was creating trouble and nothing big was going on.

They were currently hosting an underground fight inside the Kantou Manji's fighting ring below the building. The chief members watched the fight in a separate room.

Y/n was pretty familiar and was used to this type of activity since they also do this back at Brahman, though she doesn't actually join and bet on a fighter, she finds it a waste of money.

She was just sitting silently, like the other members as they watched the brutal fight on a wide-screen tv. Except for Mikey and Sanzu, who was in a different room.

"Y/n, come with me" Someone whispered in her ear and when she turned, her face was mere inches away from Sanzu's.

She cleared her throat and turned her head back toward the tv. "Why?" She asked.

"Mikey's asking for you" He replied, she sighed before standing, it wasn't fun to watch the match anyways.

They entered the elevator and stopped at Mikey's floor, yes he has the whole floor to himself and it was just his living space.

Sanzu then assisted her toward Mikey's office and when she entered, Mikey was sitting by the couch staring at the ceiling.

"Mikey? What's wrong?" She asked and the blond smiled but his eyes were void of all emotions.

"I need to talk to you" He plainly replied as he sat up. While Sanzu left the room.

"Am I in trouble...?" Y/n narrowed her eyes suspiciously while she sat down next to him.

"No" Mikey paused, he looked hesitant to speak, almost anxious. "Do you have any other information about Takemitchy?"

She actually does, but she didn't want to tell him more of what she knows. Even if Y/n is in Mikey's gang, she wasn't going to tell him everything.

In the past month, she had avoided using her ability to avoid anything to be set in the future. Since if she just let time pass by itself, all possibilities can still occur.

But if she uses her ability to see the future, any other alternate time will no longer exist. The future she'll see will be the only future that'll exist.

And what makes everything more nerve-wracking for her is, that she won't be able to know what the future will be until she uses her ability.

So if the future she sees is not something pleasing, she can't change it since it is already set. She had accepted the fact that her ability isn't just predicting.

Her ability is setting the future. While Takemichi's ability is changing the future. But she wonders, is her ability stronger than his?

What if she sets a future, will Takemichi be able to change it?

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