chapter 20

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The students greeted her as she entered the school gates, while she just smiles and waved

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The students greeted her as she entered the school gates, while she just smiles and waved. Y/n has not enough energy to actually greet back due to the lack of sleep.

While she was changing her shoes by the lockers, a teacher stopped by to talk to her and alongside that teacher stood a very familiar white-haired person.

"Good morning miss L/n" The teacher greeted. "I would like you to meet a transfer student," He turned sideways to let her see who it was clearly. "I would like you to meet-"

"Imaushi Wakasa" She muttered before the teacher could say it.

"Oh? So you two know each other already?" The teacher asked surprised. "Well, this makes it easier then. L/n, since Imaushi-san is new, I'd like you to be his buddy for the day and to help him adjust to this school"

"Sure, no prob sir, you can count on me" She smiled.

"I never doubted that." The teacher smiled back. "Well then, I'll leave you be. Oh, and morning assembly starts in about 10 minutes" He reminded before leaving.

"So... you're a gang president and also the school's student council president?" Wakasa muttered with an amused almost teasing smile. "Do they know?"

She chuckled. "I keep each life separated." She replied. "Anyway, why do you need a buddy? It's not like this is your first school"

"It actually is" He shrugged. "I'm homeschooled from kindergarten through elementary, it was just now that I convinced my parents to let me go to an actual school"

"Huh, a homeschooled delinquent... I would've never guessed that" She teased making him chuckle. "I will say, you're gonna love going to school"

"I'm not into studying that much, I've done that a lot back then" He scrunched his nose remembering how strict his parents were with studying.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "That's not what I meant, what I do mean is; you're going to enjoy random shit that's going to happen now that you're surrounded with people your age" Y/n wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "How old are you anyway, are we in the same grade?"

"I'm 16, and I'm in 10th grade" He replied not bothered by their close proximity, though he was unsure as to why he can feel his heart beating louder than usual. "How about you?"

"We're the same-! I thought you'd be older" She replied with a sheepish smile. "Anyway, since I'm yours for the day, ask me anything and call me whenever, and I'll answer and come to where you are in no time"

"So, like my slave?" He raised his brow.

"I- of course not!" She gently pushed him. "I'm a president, if anything, you're the slave between us" She muttered while her chin is raised and arms crossed.

He chuckled at her. "Well then, Madam president, we're late for morning assembly"

"WHAT?!" She lost her poise and then grabbed Wakasa by the wrist and they ran while she was spouting chains of profanity. "Shit-! Shit-! Shit-! I'll get an earful of scolds for this-!"

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