chapter 48

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[Chapters 46 to 48 are posted, happy reading~!]

It was the second day of the preparation for Y/n's school event, and she was more frequently going to the senior high department

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It was the second day of the preparation for Y/n's school event, and she was more frequently going to the senior high department. 

"All preparations have been done," Kakucho informed as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. "Now we can relax until the opening day of university week," 

Kokonoi stretched his arms. "Ah, finally,"

"Technically, we can't rest yet," She said making the two males look at her in confusion. "We still have a business to finish with Toman tomorrow," Y/n breathed. "Well, anyway, I'm going back to our office," 

She then exited the auditorium and closed the door behind her before continuing on her way toward her college. 

While walking, she watched the students idly do their own shenanigans, some were playing pe, some were practicing dances and some were casually walking and chatting with their friends. 

Her attention was focused on the students playing catch with a frisbee, she was focusing on them because they were running toward the path she was walking on. 

And what caught her attention as well, was a girl just standing on the same path as her, it looked like the girl was checking something in her bag making her unaware of her surroundings, namely the three boys who has their attention on the frisbee mid-air while running. 

Y/n was sure that those three boys will surely bump onto the girl without knowing it, was she going to do anything about it? Well, she was still contemplating it. 

The boys were nearing the girl at a fast pace, was Y/n going to do something about it now? No, not yet, she's still contemplating. In her mind, maybe the girl will soon notice and step away at the last minute. 

She watched but the girl was still in her position and the three boys were only a few steps away from the unknowing girl. Should she do something now?

A sharp breath came out of Y/n's mouth as her body quickly moved, and with one swift move, she grabbed the girl's upper arm and pulled her toward her body and away from the three guys who soon stumbled and bumped onto each other as they tried to catch the frisbee first. 

"Hey, be more aware of your surroundings," Y/n scolded with furrowed brows before she could see properly who's the girl in her arms. The girl was beautiful eyes and long white lashes that matches their hair. Y/n stared in surprise. "Sen...?" 

The girl looked up at her with furrowed brows as well. "Ah-! Y-you..!" She then frantically removed her earbuds. "Sorry-! Uh, what did you say?" Senju asked. 

Y/n sighed as she let go of Senju. "I said to be more aware of your surroundings, those guys could've flattened you to the ground," 

"Oh, right..." The younger female sheepishly smiled with a tint of red in her cheeks. "Thanks for saving me, anyway, uh, excuse me," Senju gave an apologetic bow before continuing on her way. 

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