chapter 17

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The air was getting thin and her breaths were becoming more desperate but her face remained stoic

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The air was getting thin and her breaths were becoming more desperate but her face remained stoic. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she tried to steady her breathing, her fist curled into a tight ball with her fingernails digging into her palm.

"It was my fault, I was the reason why you lost your hard-earned scholarship," She said almost boasting. "So tell me Wakasa..." She approached him and caressed his cheek. "Do you really love me?"

She didn't wait for his reply and chuckled. "Of course, you don't" She muttered before letting go of his cheek. "Stop chasing after me Wakasa, be with someone who you're actually scared to lose"

"You keep asking me why I keep walking away, and you're pleading me to let you stay" Y/n furrowed her brows. "I would've never left if you didn't do something to make me leave, and may remind you, you were the one who left first. Not me"

"It's clear we were only hanging on to the regrets of our past, I didn't want to let go and I was sure you didn't as well because of regret" She continued as she turned her back. "But let's be real, you've already lost me a long time ago. So let's just let each other go"

She turned and never looked back. She was mad at him for what he did back then, it might seem petty to others but to her, it was a betrayal she could never forgive. 

How could he just say he didn't know her after being together for their whole high school year to their freshmen year? And he had the audacity to act as if nothing happened between them.

She tried to help him but he pushed her away, she stayed but he left, she reached out but he distanced himself, she loved him but he cheated. 

What a fool she was.




As she continued to distance herself from Wakasa, she heard two familiar voices from a distance and decided to butt in.

"You're so annoying Inupi!" She overheard Kokonoi's shout. "I'm not gonna confront you!"

"I won't let you run away Koko!" The blond shouted back. "Where's Y/n?!"

The said girl appeared behind Inupi. Kokonoi didn't have the chance to answer, he was just left speechless as to what he had just witnessed in front of him.

Inupi fell to the ground, and Y/n kicked him. Kokonoi couldn't believe it, the Y/n hit Inupi. The blond was just as confused as the black-haired male.

Inupi had never expected Y/n to hit him despite being on the opposite team, and he just then realized it now, Y/n was an enemy.

The blond was so used to Y/n being on his side that the thought of fighting Y/n never crossed his mind. This just shows how much he trusted Y/n.

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