Hokage! Kakashi x Fem! Reader Lemon

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This doesn't have a plot
Please don't murder me for this, it's been a while since I've wrote anything and it's been even longer since I've wrote anything spicy 🌶

Italics mean flashbacks

"Congratulations on becoming Hokage, Kakashi. Or should I say Lord Sixth?"
You embraced him in a warm hug that he returned.

"Hey, Y/N, how about we celebrate tonight?"
He smiled under his mask.

You shot him a smile back.

"What do you have in mind, Kakashi?"


"The drinks are on me, Kakashi."
You grabbed the alcohol bottle and poured both of your drinks.

"Thanks, Y/N."
His cup met yours with a 'clink' and you both began to drink.

"How does it feel to be Hokage?"

"I don't feel different, but I know it'll be a lot of work."


After a few more drinks, the alcohol had started to take effect.

"Hey, Kakashi, have you ever thought about settling down?"

"No, Master Jiraiya's books have kept me occupied. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious, you've never found anyone that's caught your eye?"


That's how you ended up here.

It was the first time you've ever saw his face, he was just as handsome as you had imagined.

His soft lips finally met yours, tasting like alcohol, the palm of his hand met the back of your neck and pushed your lips closer to his.

Your hands pushed his Hokage robe off, as his roamed the shapes of your body, lingering at your hips.

Calloused fingertips dug into your hips as you sat on his lap, your moans meeting each other's lips.

"Oh, keep going, Kakashi."

One of your hands met his soft, white hair, and the other grabbed the bedsheets.

His fingers and his tongue were nimble and skilled, if you hadn't planned to go all the way, they would've been enough.

Your tongue danced around his shaft, giving more attention to the tip, gently sucking, and your hand covering whatever you couldn't fit in your mouth.

"K-keep going, Y/N."

Kakashi's hips bucked slightly, making him go a bit deeper into your throat, trying not to gag.

"Kakashi...more, please."

Your hands were above your head, Kakashi had one of his hands holding them in place, the other was supporting his body weight.

His pace was steady, not too fast or too slow. Occasionally, he'd roll his hips against yours, making sure to hit new spots, and make you cry out even more.

"Oh-oh my god, Kakashi."

He had your legs thrown over his shoulders, his arms and hands holding your hips in place so you couldn't move away. His pace had picked up, and in this new position he could move around more, his hands would play with your nipples and your clit.
If things kept going like this, it wouldn't be long before you came.

"You know.."
he grunted between thrusts

"I can feel you clench around me."
His hips bottomed out into yours, as his nails dug into your hips.

"Kakashi, cum with me."


"Hey, Y/N, Are you okay? You're walkin' kinda funny."
Naruto greeted you suspicious eyes as you entered Ichiraku Ramen. He sat with his teammates Sakura and Sai, along with his former teacher, Kakashi.

"Yeah, why do you ask?"
Avoiding eye contact with Kakashi as you made your way to a seat.
Surely, someone as dense as Naruto wouldn't put 2+2 together, but you're sure his teammates Sai and Sakura would.

"Naruto, leave Y/N alone, I'm sure she's been training."
Kakashi spoke up, making eye contact with you, if he wasn't wearing his mask, you swear he'd be smirking.

I know it's been forever since I've written anything, so feedback is greatly appreciated!

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