Kakashi x Pregnant! Reader

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After the war, you never would have imagined being pregnant, it seemed unbelievable, but the test you held in your hands proved it was true.
How would you tell him?
Did he even want kids?
Tons of thoughts flooded your brain with unnecessary stress and worry.
   He wouldn't leave you, would he?
No, of course not.
You felt your heartbeat pound against your chest as you looked up at the clock.
6:31 p.m. Kakashi would be home at 7, he promised he'd be home by 7.
Ever since he's become Hokage he's been busy, he'd come home late and leave early the next morning.

As you were setting the table for dinner, the front door opened.

"Y/n, I'm home."
Kakashi called out as he made his way to the kitchen.

"Hello, dear, how was work?"
You avoided looking at him and pretended to be busy with preparing dinner.

"The same as usual. Do you need any help?"
His arms wrapped around you and he planted a quick kiss on your cheek, you felt heat rise to your face as you shook your head.

"N-no, I can do it, you've been at work all day."

"Y/n, look at me."
He placed his hands on your shoulders and turned you around.

"What's wrong?"
His brows were knitted, he really was concerned.
You were trying to think of the words to say when he started interrogating you with questions.

"Are you mad at me?"
"Have I done something wrong?"
"Are you sick?"
"Did something happen?"

The worry and stress of how he'd react to your pregnancy and the rapid fire in his questions caused you to snap.

"Stop! I'm fine, the only thing that's wrong is the stress and worry I'm experiencing"
You looked him in the eye, he had a look of shock on his face, you'd never lost your temper with him.

"What's happened?"
He pulled you into his chest, holding you tight.

"Tell me, what's wrong."

You were very hesitant, but you knew he needed to know, you couldn't keep stressing over it, and you couldn't hide it forever.

You buried your face deeper into his chest.

"I'm pregnant.."
You mumbled.

He questioned, his arms fell from your frame and up to your shoulders, pushing you back to look at him, but you kept staring at his chest.

"What did you say?"
He asked again.

It barely came out as a whisper, you closed your eyes and braced yourself for the worst.

"Really?...Were you worried about telling me?"
He put his finger under your chin and lifted your head up to meet his eyes.

Reluctantly you nodded.
"Yes... I was afraid of how you'd react."

"Y/n, the day I married you was the day I promised you to continue loving you in sickness or in health, and during the good times and the bad times. Nothing would ever separate me from you, especially when we're having a family."
Kakashi leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"I love you, y/n, and I love our child."

Sorry if Kakashi seemed OC, I tried my best! Hope you liked it!

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