Deidara x Reader

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Your P.O.V

"Nice going __, my girl. That clay figure isn't that bad." Deidara carefully took the bird shaped clay figure out of my hand and studied it.

"I'll be keeping this one." He smiled and my and put the figure in his pocket.

"But I liked that one, Deidara!" I whined and reached for his pocket.

"Ah Ah ahh. I'll give you a gift in return for the little figure you just made." He shook his pointer finger at me.

"It'll be ready by tonight, just stay at the hideout tonight okay? Hmm." He smiled at me and reached his hand inside the pouch that had all of his clay.

"Alright Deidara!" I returned the smile.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Skip/ Night fall


"__? Are you in here?" A quite choice came from the other side of my door.

"Yeah, Deidara, isn't it getting late?"
I ask.

"Yeah, but this will only work at night! Come outside in a few minutes, I got something to show you, I think you'll like it, hmm!"

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute."


I found Deidara sitting under the stars, just looking up quietly until he heard me come up behind him.

"Finally, you made it, I though you got lost."
He looked back and threw me a playful smile.

"H-hey! That was one time!"
I just it my hands on my hips, trying to defend myself"

"Yeah, I'm sure it was, hm."
He reached into his akatsuki cloak and pulled out a clay figure and held it out for me.

"Here, take a look."

My fingers brushed against the palm of his hand as I took the clay figure.
It was us, holding hands, and smiling, he got every detail right. From the way my hair parts, to the way my face looks when I smile.

Had he really been paying this much attention to me?

"Thank you....Deidara."
I looked away from the clay figure to see that he was standing in front of me.

"H-hey! D-don't get so emotional on me, hm!"

I laughed and looked into his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it, I love it, thank you so much."

"I thought you would like it, but it gets better, here, watch."

He takes the clay out of my hand and throws it into the night sky before I could object.



Beautiful streaks of red and gold filled the air, and fell down around us.

"I love you, __" He whisper do in my ear as I was still in awe.

"I love you too...."

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