Dead! Neji x Moved on! Reader

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Hyuga Neji

I stood at the grave of my friend, he died years ago, when we were teenagers.
Today is the anniversary of when he died.
I did a lot of things with him, I made good memories with him, and now all that's left of him is a memory.
I wish he was still alive, I wanted to make new memories with him, and enjoy our friendship together.


"Ah, Neji!!"  I ran to him, panting, my legs feeling very heavy.

"Huh? What's the matter?" He turned around as he heard me call out to him.

"Help! Your sensei is being too rough with me!"
I bend down, my hands on me knees and take hard breathes.

"Y/N, what happened to you being excited for new training?!?" Guy sensei wasn't breaking a sweat as he stood over me and Neji.

"Too...." I took a breath


I could just imagine the smile on Guy's face as I said that.

"Nonsense! You have the spirit of youth, embrace it!"

"Guy Sensei....Y/N isn't on our team, she isn't use to this kind of training, take it easy on her."
I felt a warm hand rub my back.

"Are you alright?"

I looked up to see pale eyes and a face showing concern looking at me.

"Yeah, just really, really, tired"


"N-Naruto" A blushing Hinata stammered.

"Yeah? What's up, Hinata?" Naruto has his hands behind his head.

"W-ould you like to get eat ramen with me?"
Naruto's eyes began to sparkle.

"You bet!! I thought I was gonna have to eat alone today!!"

Spying on the lovebirds was wrong, but Neji insisted that we see what Naruto's "intentions" with Hinata were.

"He isn't worthy of Lady Hinata." Neji growled as he peeked around the side of the building we were hiding behind.

"Neji, Naruto is clueless to Hinata's feelings for him, he wouldn't do anything to her." I tried to convince him, and I think it might have worked...just a bit.

"And why are you peeking around the building? You can just use your Byakugan!" I added onto my sentence.

"Shush!" Neji's hand clamped over my mouth.

"We can't let them get suspicious!"

I sighed, this would be a really long day.


"Y/N, thanks for meeting me here today."

He was acting different.

"Huh? Of course, Neji!"

We were at the training grounds, it was almost dusk and you could see the sun starting to set.

"I just wanted to talk to you, about the War we're about to enter." He walked closer to me and looked down into my eyes.

"I want you to be safe, and make it out alive, and if one of us doesn't make it, let's make a promise to still continue our lives."

A very obvious frown appeared on my face.

"Stop it, don't talk like that, I don't want to think about one of us dying." My tone was overly serious, and it surprised him.

"I'm just say-" I cut off his sentence by grabbing his hand.

"Neji, everything will be okay, we're friends and we'll always be friends." I have his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"But I promise you, but I don't want to think about us dying." I looked into his eyes and saw his lips curved into a small smile.

"Yeah, me either," He squeezes my hand back.

"Let me walk you home."


I was there when you died, I watched you shield Naruto and Hinata, and I'm sure you heard my screams, as I was trying to reach you.

But it was too late, your curse mark had already faded by the time I broke away from Kakashi Sensei's grasp; I held your hand in mine for one last time.

I stayed at your grave for days, just talking to it, it felt so different not seeing you around the village, or with your team.
I know your teammates, and especially Naruto and Hinata took your death really hard.

But here I am, years in the future, I kept our promise, I'm living my life, without you, but it still hurts, and I'm sure you know that.
And I hope you're watching over me, like you always did when you were here with me.

You have wonderful nephew and niece, you would have been a good uncle...and possibly a father.
I can't wait to see you again.

I miss you...

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