Sasuke x reader Problems With Being Short

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(Sasuke might be a little oc in his, sorry, I felt like he would be one of the characters to do this, just to be mean)

"C'mon Sasuke!" You whined as you jumped for your book he was holding above his head.

"Get it" he slightly smirk, irritating you even more.

"I'm getting tired of this!" You puffed and crossed your arms
"I was enjoying my book!"

"I know, but you zoned out on me." He pouted, but you could tell it was just to make you feel bad.

"Hmm" you began to think, your couch wasn't far away from where Sasuke was standing, maybe if you jumped off the couch for your book you could reach it.

"What're you doing, idiot?" He questioned as he watched you stand on your shared couch.

"This!" You yelled as you sprang at him, almost touching your book, before he moved and you face planted.

"I'm going to get you back for that." Your voice was muffled due to the carpet.

"I'm sure you will." He teased.

"You can have this back once you pay attention to me."

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