Cheater! Sasuke x Angry! Not forgiving! Reader

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This will be the sequel to my Cheater! Sasuke x Angry! Forgiving! Reader.

Me and Sasuke had just moved into our new house, it was a little ways away from the Leaf Village but that didn't bother me. It was quite and the only thing we really had to worry about was bandits. But lately Sasuke was acting strange, he didn't talk much, he hardly came to eat dinner with you, he wouldn't even wrap his arms around you when you were laying down in bed. He never even said those three words to you. That's how you knew something was up. You decided to "leave" the house for a while and come back later to see if something was up. You kissed Sasuke's cheek and told him you would be back around nine that night, all he mumbled was bye.

You had spent at least an hour with your friend Hinata in the park in the Leaf Village. You said your goodbyes and made your way back to your house and that's when you heard it. You heard those damn moans again and you knew exactly who it was. Sakura Haruno. Angry and in rage you burst into your house and went to your and Sasuke's shared bedroom and opened the door. It pained you to see that Sasuke had cheated on you, again. You thought you could trust him, but you should've known better. "Sasuke Uchiha, you and I are over!" You yelled at Sasuke which caused him to stop kissing Sakura and look at you. His eyes got wide and he jumped off of Sakura.
"__! It's not what it looks like! I swear it!" You crossed your arms and tapped your foot.
"Then what does it look like, Sasuke?! Sakura couldn't put those hickies on herself! You're a pathetic excuse of a man. I'm leaving. Don't look for me, don't talk to me, and don't ever try to hook up with me again." And with that you went to pack your bags.

How was this? I feel like it was better then the first Cheater! Sasuke x Angry! Forgiving! Reader one shot I wrote.

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