Who Does What

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This is just my opinion, and in a slightly AU.



Who is the most affectionate?

I think he's a little shy at first and in public, it's not like he refrains from any PDA or affection, he's much more open in private

• Who reaches for the others hand first?

He does

• Who is most likely to carry the other?

He'll carry you, but if you want you could try to carry him.

• Who always wants to take selfies with the other?

It can go either way, he's always eager to take pictures as memories of the good times you're both having.

• Who likes to sit in the others lap?

He prefers if you sit in his lap, but he'll lay his head in yours.

• Who starts the playful pillow fight?

Most likely him.

• Who Likes to playfully tease the other?


• Who playfully teases the other in public?

Usually he teases you.

•Who gets scared during horror films?

He does.

• Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?

You, I don't think he gives it much thought.


Who is the most affectionate?


• Who reaches for the others hand first?

He does.

• Who is most likely to carry the other?

He'll carry you.

• Who always wants to take selfies with the other?


• Who likes to sit in the others lap?

He likes you to sit in his lap.

• Who starts the playful pillow fight?

You, although they never last long.

• Who Likes to playfully tease the other?

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