Yamato x Reader

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*Your Pov*
"C'mon Yamato! Let me out!" I grabbed the wood in front of me that kept me from leaving the wooden box Yamato had trapped me in.
"No, __. You know the rules." He turned around and I pouted.
"Please Yamato....I won't do it again, I promise." He turned around and walked to the cage. When he was within arms length I grabbed his green vest and pulled him closer to the cage. I put my head in between two of the bars and kissed him. I let go of him and backed into a corner of the cage and started laughing.
"Ahh...Yamato. You know I can't help but kiss you. You're too...attractive, funny, smart. Gosh, I could make a whole list."
Yamato's face turned red. He turned around and put his back to the cage.
"I'm not letting you out until Kakashi gets back."
"Awww! Yamato!" I whined and he laughed.
"Sorry, __. That's what you get."

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