Gaara x Reader Monster Of The Sand

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*Your pov*
*Flash back*
"There you are! I've been looking for you!" I ran to a boy with fiery red hair and blue/ green eyes. He slowly turned around to look at me.
"Who are you? What do you want with a monster?" He asked coldly.
"I want to be your friend!" I smiled at him and held out my hand.
"My name is, (F/N)! You're Gaara, right?" He stared at my hand before saying,
"Go away, I'm a monster, you don't want to be my friend." My hand slowly dropped, Gaara turned around and walked off.

*Years Later When Gaara Becomes Kazekage*
*your pov*

"Kazekage-sama." I called out while knocking on the door to his office, there was no reply, so I knocked again.
"Kazekage-sama, can I come in?" I asked, still no reply.
"Alright then, I'm coming in." I slowly pushed open the door to see a sleeping Gaara. His head was on his desk and he was slightly drooling. The windows in his office were open so some of the papers he had out had blown all over his office. Aww he looks so cute when he sleeps. Should I wake him up?...Maybe I should mess with him?... I walked over to his desk and stood in front of it.
"Kazekage-sama, have you heard the news? (F/N) and Kankuro are getting married." I quietly said.
"They're..... what?" I looked down at him as I heard him speak.
"Yes, they are. Aren't you happy for them?" I giggled.
"No....I'm not....I won't allow it." I barely heard him say.
"Why aren't you happy?" I asked innocently.
"(F/N)," I blushed when I heard this.
"KAZEKAGE-SAMA, WAKE UP!" I yelled and punched him on the head. He raised his head up faster than anything I've ever seen before.
"(F/N), why did you punch me?" He seemed to have noticed the drool on his cheek and wiped it off with his hand.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?"
"I've been told by Kankuro and Temari....Why? What did I say?"
"Ehhh....nothing important. You just said that I was yours, that's all." I smirked slightly, pink dusted his cheeks.
"I know you don't like me back, I rejected you when we were kids and I'm a monster."
"I do like you. You're not a monster, it's not your fault you had a tailed beast sealed inside of you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and whispered in his ear.
"I love you, Gaara." He wrapped his arms around my back.
"I love you too."

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