Kakashi x Reader Closet Perv?

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*Your pov*
"__, do you read dirty things?" Kakashi asked me and my eyes grew wide.
"N-no! Why would you ask me something like that?"
"I found this Make Out Paradise book in your house." He took out a book from his jacket and my face burned in in embarrassment.
"You where in my house?!" I jumped for the book but he was to quick and held it over his head.
"If you want your book show me what this book has taught you about kissing." He smiled at me like he hadn't just said something inappropriate.
He wants to play dirty, huh? Well two can play at that game.
In a blink of an eye I kicked him right in his family jewels causing his eyes to open and he let out a painful groan and fell to his knees. I grabbed the book and held it tightly against my chest.
"What...was that...for?" He said in pain.
"For not giving me my book. I will show you what this book has taught me." *mature content ahead*
I smirked at him. I bent down so I could be face to face with him and put my book on the ground beside me. I took one hand and lightly rubbed over his crotch and started to suck on his neck. He let out a moan and I smirked, I rubbed him slightly harder causing him to buck his hips into my hand. I stopped rubbing him and sucking on his neck and grabbed my book and stood up.
"May be next time, Kakashi." I winked at him and started to walk home leaving him there confused about what just happened.

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