Leaf Village Group Chat pt2

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(O/o/y/c) means outfit of your choice

SAI has started a group chat
SAI has added NarutoU
SAI has added SasukeU
SAI has added Ka-Ka-Shi
SAI has added Yama
SAI has added NejiHyuga
SAI has added (__)

SAI: How did the date go?

__: It went well, Sai!

NejiHyuga: How did you know about that?!

SAI: It was just part of the plan.

NejiHyuga: what plan?

Ka-ka-shi: oh it's nothing.

NejiHyuga: Obviously it's something.

__: Hey guys, let's get off this topic and move to Halloween!
What are you all going to dress up as?

SAI: Aren't we took old for that?

__: Not at all, I think I'm gonna dress up as (o/o/y/c)!

NejiHyuga: I think that would be a good costume for you, __.

__: Thanks, Neji :)

NejiHyuga: :)

NarutoU: I'm gonna dress up as a fox if I can convince Sasuke to dress up.

SasukeU: I already told you no, Idiot

NarutoU: It would be fun!

SasukeU: I don't care!

Ka-ka-shi: I think I might wear cat ears.

__: They would be really cute on you.

Yama: I'll dress up as a tree.

NarutoU: Very original ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Yama: Says the one who is gonna be a fox!

SAI: I think I'll just accompany Ino if she goes out for Halloween (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

__: That's very sweet, Sai. Do you know what she might dress up as?

SasukeU: Probably a stripper.

NarutoU: No, Sasuke, that's her in her regular clothes.

SasukeU: You're right ╮(╯▽╰)╭

SAI: Actually, I think she was going to dress up as something called 'Barbie'...?

__: Oh, I've heard of those!

__: Neji? Are you still with us?

NejiHyuga: Yes, I'm just thinking about what I should go as.

NarutoU is typing

SasukeU: Don't say it, Naruto.

NarutoU: Ugh fine.

__: Maybe you could dress up as a Prince, or a Samurai! You would look great with either of them.

NejiHyuga: I think I'll go as a Samurai, and in private I can be your Prince ;)

NarutoU: Oh no, keep it PG, guys.

__: ^////^ Umm... How about on the night of Halloween we meet up by the hokages office!

NejiHyuga: I'm fine with that.

NarutoU: Same here, just gotta get Sasuke to dress up.

SasukeU: Not happening

NarutoU:  We'll see ;)

SAI:  I'll go if Ino doesn't dress up or if she wants to come, too.

Yama: I can meet you all

Ka-ka-shi: I'll be there anyways, since I'm the Hokage.

__: See you all soon!

Sorry for being SO slow with another update, I've had personal problems and school is keeping me busy on top of that. I plan on making another group chat with the male Leaf Shinobi maybe on Halloween or the day before, I'm not sure yet it just depends on how busy I am. Thank you all for reading!!

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