Kakashi x Teen! Daughter! Reader x Boruto

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Boy troubles, every father worries about boys coming into their little girls life at some point.
Kakashi Hatake was worried about his daughter, Y/N, and his former student, now Hokage, only son.

If he was anything like Naruto, then he is a brat and overly confident.
It must run in the family.


"Y/N, how are things with you and Boruto?" Kakashi tried to drop the question easily, instead of like a bomb on top of his daughter.

"B-Boruto? Everything is fine dad, he's just annoying." You turned your head away from your dad so he couldn't see your light blush.

"Just be careful, okay?" Kakashi's gentle eyes met yours and he smiled, though inside he was burning with rage at the thought of Boruto hurting you.

"Of course...well, I'm gonna go...out, see ya!" You waved your father goodbye and ran out the door.

It was such a weird coincidence he asked about Boruto, because you were going to see him now.


"Hey, __! You made it! Hehe!"

"Of course" I leaned over to catch my breath
"What do you want to do today?"

A mischievous smile spread across his face
"What if we painted my dads face?"

"Lord Hokage's Face? My dad would kill me."
Just imagining my dad finding out I helped ridicule the Hokage's face caused my stomach to twist into knots.

"Y/N, I do it all the time! It's not big deal."

"How about we do something else?" I suggested
"Let's go on a walk in the Forest."

"Huh? The forest? That's boring." He groaned and sighed before finally speaking again
"I don't know what's interesting about the forest, but I'm sure we can find something to do."


The forest was quiet except for the birds singing, sunlight shone through the leaves and every once in a while, the wind would blow cool you off.

"Why did you want to come out here?" Boruto turned around and looked at me.

"I like it here, it's quiet and not a lot of people come here." I smiled at him,
"You know, my dad asked me the weirdest quest—"

"Ahem, excuse me children, can you point me in the direction of the Hidden Leaf Village?" An old, weak voice interrupted me, and behind Boruto a old lady smiled sweetly at us.

"Gah! What the heck, old lady! You scared me!"
I couldn't be all but laugh a little at Boruto jumping because of a little old lady.

"Y/N! It's not funny, what if she was a murderer!" The blonde screeched.

"Boruto, even if she was, I don't think she could do much."

"Y/N? What a pretty name. Who is your father?"

Now that I looked at her, the old woman was dressed in a old, dirt stained blue dress, her back was hunt her over and she had a wooden cane she was leaning on, her hair was the whitest thing I've ever seen, and her eyes were a deep blue.

"T-thank you, my father is Kakashi Hatake." Warmth creeped up on my face, no one ever really complimented my name.

"Yeah yeah, Y/N knows she has a pretty name because I've already told her. Anyway, the village is that way, old woman." Boruto pointed behind me and grumbled,
"We'll be on our way now." He grabbed my hand in his and pulled me along.

"Wait, Boruto!" I dug my heels into the ground and pulled away from his grasp,
"We never got your name!"

The woman turned around and looked at me.
"My name is..."
Suddenly she disappeared, and standing in front of my was my father.
"Kakashi Hatake."

Okay, okay okay, so I had a lot of mixed feelings about this, I don't think it's very good, but I don't know Boruto very well, but I tried, I thought about making this longer but I wasn't sure.

I'm thinking of making a part two, would you all like to read a part two? Let me know in the comments!
Thanks for reading! Hope you're having a good day/evening/night wherever you are <3

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