Old Memories: Boruto & Himawari

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This isn't a one shot, but I think the conversation Hima and Hina have is kinda cute.

"Momma, can you tell me some of the best memories you have with Dad?"
The youngest Uzumaki smiled as her feet swung underneath the kitchen chair.

"What would you like to know, Himawari?"
Hinata turned around from the sink as she dried her hands off and smiled at her only daughter.

"Tell me the good memories, and then tell me which one is your favorite!" The little girl giggled.

"Alright then."
Hinata walked over to the kitchen table and sat down beside her daughter, she smiled as her turned to look at her.

"The first memory I had of your father was before we were in the academy, a few kids were picking on me and your father tried to stop them"
The story was paused by Hinata laughing a bit.
"He was so determined to beat them, but in the end, he lost, but he got back up again, and didn't give up."

"Woah, dad actually lost a fight?"

The two females turned their head to the sound of the voice. Boruto, was sitting on the couch, his gaming device in his hand but now he wasn't paying attention to it.

"Yes, your father has lost a few fights, but he never gave up."

"That's hard to believe" Bolt grumbled and continued to play his game.

"Tell me another memory, Mama!"

"Alright, Hima, let me think. Do you remember the red scarf your father wears when it's cold?"

"Of course!" A big grin spread across Himawari's face.

"I knitted that scarf for him, I was so nervous to give it to him at first, and I had to remake it several times because of things that happened. The night I gave your father that scarf, he told me he loved me."
Hinata blushed a bit and tried to shake it off.

"Awe, you really love dad, don't you mama! I hope one day I can find someone who will love me as much as you love him!"

"Of course someone's will love you as much as I love your father. I remember the best memory I have now, the day you and Boruto were born would both be tied as number one. And the second best memory I have is the day your father and I got married."

"Ugh, this is so cheesy!" Boruto jumped off the couch and headed for his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Big brother..." Himawari's smile faltered as she looked at her mother, who's eyebrows were creased with worry.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, Himawari, I talk to him In a bit." Hinata leaned closer to her daughter and wrapped her arms around her, bringing Himawari closer to her.

"Stupid old man, mom and Himawari love and miss you so much, but you're so caught up in work you don't realize it."

Boruto pulled the sleeves to his jacket down and wiped away his tears.

In his mind, his father didn't realize anything.

How was it? Please comment and let me know, I was thinking that if this one was liked then I would do one for Sarada and Sakura, Inojin and Ino, and Shikdai and Temari.

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