Sasuke x Depressed! Suicidal! Reader pt2

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"Sasuke, when did you find her like this? I need to know."

"About ten minutes ago, please save her, Sakura."

"I'm going to do my best. Please leave so I can concentrate."


I woke up to a light shining down on me, I squinted my eyes and looked around, trying to give my eyes time to adjust to everything.

I noticed I was wrapped in a white sheet, and I could hear a monitor beeping to the right side of me.

'What happened? All I remember is that Sasuke found me, and then I heard Sakura talking to him.'

I slowly tried to sit up, my arms were weak and shaking and I could barely pull my weight.

It was only then that I realized tubes in my arms were somewhat restricting my movement.


I gently pulled them out and pulled my feet over The side of the bed, standing up, supporting myself against the bed.


A loud noise came from the machine that was at the side of  my bed.

I instantly covered my ears, and I lost my balance and I felt myself falling, before I felt something warm wrap around my side and under my knees. I looked around to see what had caught me, it was Sasuke.

'Why is he here?'

"__, Are you okay?" A voice yelled, Sakura.

"Yeah...but where am I?"

"The hospital, of course. Don't you remember? You tried to overdose."

I tried to remember what happened, but I couldn't.

"No, I don't remember anything."

Sasuke's brow furrowed but quickly faded when he noticed I was watching him.

"Maybe you'll remember later, don't think about it too much."

"Yeah, maybe. Sakura, how long will I be in here?"

"It depends on how you feel and if you want to attempt to do something like that again."

"Oh....Sasuke, why are you here?"

He frowned slightly as he sat me on the hospital bed and sat down beside me.

"I found you laying on the floor, im the one who brought you here."

I felt a little guilty making Sasuke worry enough to come check on me.

"Have you even left the hospital once?"

He shook his head no.

"You should leave and get some rest." I tried to persuade him.

"I should have noticed the signs, I'm sorry, __. I'll be here until you leave."

I shook my head 'no'.

"Really, it's fine, you don't need to do that. And I'm sure it hurts Sakura seeing how much yo-"

A loud squeak caught my attention.

"Hey, Y/N! How are you feeling? I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you, I've just been so busy with work." Naruto barged into my room, with Sakura right on his tail.

"Naruto! I told you that Y/N has a guest right now! They need privacy." Sakura was dressed in her white nurse coat, a clipboard in her hand.

"This is a hospital, what do they need privacy for??" Naruto looked at Sakura, dumbfounded.

"You are an idiot." I heard Sasuke mumble under his breath.

"I'm gonna go rest, Naruto can stay here with you while I'm gone."

Sasuke didn't even look at me, he pushed by his former teammates and left down the hallway.

"What was that about?" Naruto scratched his head.

"This is why I said they needed privacy! Ugh, let me go check on Sasuke." Shaking her head, and turning on her heels, the pink haired Kunochi left.

" are you?"

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