Kankuro x Reader

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"Ughhh! Why won't it work!" You yelled. You were currently trying to figure out how to use Puppets as weapons.
"Ok let's try this again." You took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Little did you know a certain Shinobi was watching you in a tree.
*time skip*
"I give up!" You huffed and fell back onto your butt.
"How does Kankuro do this?" You sighed and layed down on your back.
*Kankuro pov*
How do I do it? Interesting.
I decided to come out of my hiding place. Quickly, I jumped down next to (F/N). I must have startled her because she sat up and looked at me.
*Your pov*
"Kankuro! Don't scare me like that!" You yelped.
"I thought you were an enemy!" You punched Kankuro on his right arm.
"Haha...sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Do you need help? I've been watching you for a while."
"And you didn't tell me sooner?! Now I'm embarrassed!" You quickly stood up and started to walk away, Kankuro ran in front of you.
"Where are you going?" He asked, blocking your path.
"To go home and cry!" You pushed him out of your way and continued to walk.
"Why do you want to cry? Was it something I said?"
"You are so...so...dense!" You turned around and put and finger to his chest, he stared at you wide eyed.
"How can you not understand what I feel for you? I told you I was embarrassed! It was because I knew I messed up in front of you! I like you, idiot!" Kankuro just stood there looking at you.
"I'm sorry....I didn't know you felt that way..." he spoke up.
"Don't apologize. The one thing that would make me feel better is having your love."
"You already have my love, and my heart." Your eyes grew wide.
"Huh?? I-I d-do?" You blushed.
"Look who's the dense one now! Of course I like you, if I didn't I wouldn't offed to help you." Kankuro burst out laughing.
"(F/N), Will you be my girlfriend?" He grabbed your hands and them in his.
"Of course." You smiled at him and he kissed your forehead.

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