Christmas Special (Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi,)

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I know this is very, very late, and I'm sorry for that but I hope you enjoy this!

XOXO -Becca


Your boyfriend of 1 year, Naruto, and you decided to spend Christmas together over at your house. You both agreed that it would be a good chance to spend time together, and he would get to meet your parents!
On Christmas morning you wake up and did your morning routine and dressed nice, as this was your first Christmas together, and it was special. You looked at the clock on the living room wall
9:24 Am
It would be at least another hour until Naruto came. And your parents were out getting some food for everyone to have.
About 30 minutes later your parents came home with bags full of food, they sat everything out on the kitchen table and got plates and eating utensils. They were really excited to meet Naruto, and your mother even knitted him an orange sweater with a letter 'N' in the middle.
A while later you heard a knock in the door, you rushed to get it but your mom had already beat you to it.
You could tell your mom was overly excited.
She let out a small squeal and hugged Naruto and spinned him around.
"It's so good to meet you, Naruto!"
She ushered him inside and shut the door.
"You and (Y/N) can get food, I'll go get her father." she bolted up the stairs.

"Sorry about that..." you apologized.
Naruto looked up at you as he was getting food.

"Huh? What for? You're mom's totally awesome! She kinda reminds me of my mom, though I've only met her twice." You smiled softly at him.

"Really? That's pretty cool. I bet your mom was really pretty."
Naruto smiled widely before laughing and speaking

"She is, she has really long red hair and big blue eyes like me! Although she does have quite a temper." A sweat drop slid down his face.


Before you could finish both of your parents came down the stairs.
Your dad was behind your mom, the same mean face he always has on. He walked over to Naruto before staring at him for a few second, before smiling and grabbing Naruto's hand and shaking it violently.

"Hello! I'm (y/n)'s father! I've heard all about you."

All you could do was shake your head a little. You could tell your dad made Naruto nervous at first, but Naruto will warm up around him.

As you all finished dinner you and Naruto decided to do the dishes while your parents got the presents ready.

"I hope my dad didn't exhaust you, I know he can be...very energetic." You let out a small giggle as you rinsed and dried a plate Naruto handed to you.

"Not at all. I see where you get your energy from. And that mean face." It took you a moment to process what he said.

"Huh?! Mean face!" You swung the drying towel at him, which he caught and pulled you closer to him.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)" His soft lips met yours.
Your boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha, had been on a long mission to try and redeem himself for everything he's done when he was younger. You had just received a letter from him saying that he would be home tomorrow, which was Christmas day, you couldn't help but be excited and tried to look your best by the time tomorrow came.

You put on a red dress with black flats and did your hair.
(Honestly, I'm terrible at picking out outfits and doing my hair, besides straightening my hair T_T )
The Christmas tree was glowing in the living room, presents were stacked under the tree, some for your family, some for your friends, some for Sasuke, and even some given to you by your friends.

As you turned on some Christmas music and started humming with it You felt your wrist gently be grabbed. You turned around to see Sasuke, he quickly put one of his hands on your waist and entwined his fingers in yours.

It was good to have him home, you missed him. You put your empty hand on his shoulder and laid your head against his chest, you could hear his heart beat. 

"I missed you." You mumbled out.

He stayed quite for a few moments before replying with;

"Let me make it up to you."

Before you knew it he had swept you up in his arms, bridal style, and carried you off to the bedroom.
Being on a mission on Christmas eve wasn't as bad as you thought it would be, since your boyfriend was also with you. Lady Tsunade has given you a very "special mission".


A week before Christmas she called you into her office and told you that by Christmas You and Kakashi needed to take a break.

~Present day~
3rd P.O.V
You had wore some shorts and a summer shirt, but you still had your ninja gear and whatever you needed with you. Kakashi was ahead of you gliding through the trees And you were behind him looking around keeping an eye on everything. You didn't think there would be any trouble but you never know.
Spending time with Kakashi sounded fantastic, but of course you knew Lady Tsunade was up to something.

-----A short time skip-----

"Thank you very much." Kakashi bowed as he received the key to the hotel room you both would be staying in, he motioned for you to follow him, which he did.

" you think this will be a little weird...stay with each other for a few days?"

Kakashi looked at you and gave you a closed eyed smile.

"Its only weird if you make it weird, _. Plus, it is our mission."

"I don't think this is much of a mission. Aren't you suspicious about the plans the Hokage has for this.. mission?" You followed Kakashi down the hallway to the room you two would be sharing.

"Yes, but orders are orders. I have an idea for what she wants to happen but..." He stopped in mid sentence and stopped walking.

"I don't know if you would like it." He gave you a seductive look and then smiled and laughed.

"You're so serious __," Your face turned red.

"Y-yeah? Like what??" You asked, confidently with your hands on your hips, you refused to let him embarrass you.

" this...." he leaned in and put his lips to my ear, before moving down and kissing my cheek.


Believe it or not, this was supposed to be posted in 2017 💀 I finished it.
I didn't know wether to wait until Christmas of this year or just go ahead and post it.

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