Kakashi x Student! reader

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When you graduated from the Academy you were placed on team 7.
*your pov*
"Naruto, you idiot!" I heard Sakura yell as she punched Naruto and sent him flying into a tree. Sheesh, what did Naruto ever do to Sakura? Quickly Naruto go up and started yelling things like 'What was that for, Sakura?! That really hurt!' I walked away not wanting to be in the middle of their fight. I made my way to the training field and practiced my jutsu's. After a while I took a break and sat under a tree and closed my eyes. I was woken up by a 'poof' sound. Ughhh what does Kakashi Sensei want? I opened my eyes to find Kakashi Sensei smiling at me.
"Hello, F/N, I hope you rested up well because today I'm going to teach you a new jutsu."
"Which jutsu?" I ask curiously.
"Chidori." He said while smiling at me.
"Chidori?!" My eyes got wide and I stood up.
"Let's get started." He started to tell me to focus my chakra in my hand and how many times I could do it in a row.
"Chidori!" I yelled as I hit a tree causing it to fall over.
"Good job, F/N, meet me here tomorrow at this time. I have other things to teach you." He said while patting my head. He smiled at me and then disappeared.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I thought and then smiled to myself. I can't wait until tomorrow.

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