Sasuke x Apprentice! Reader

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Working for Orochimaru wasn't so bad, Orochimaru is making Sasuke train you and teach you everything you need to know. So far things have been good you haven't messed up too bad and when you did all Sasuke would do was 'hmm'.
"Sasuke! What are you teaching me today?" You cried out as you saw him in the place where you we're supposed to meet him.
"Be quiet." He gave you a cold glare.
"Sorry." You spoke quietly this time not wanting to anger him.
"Do you know why Orochimaru made me train you?" You felt as if he could see right though you.
"No, I don't. Do you know?" You asked curiously.
"Yes, I do. He wants me to fall in love with you and restore the Uchiha clan." We walked over to you, he was taller than you so he had to look down.
"But I already love you and you will restore my clan." Hearing the words I love you caused you to blush.
"Did you not realize my feelings for you? You're so naive." He laughed quietly.
"After you train me I won't be so naive."
"I won't be training you anymore, you need to stay home with our children." This caused you to blush even more. You covered your face with your hands when suddenly you felt yourself be picked up off the ground. You moved your hands to see Sasuke carrying you and smirking at you.
"You are mine."

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