Itachi x Reader

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(ಥ_ಥ) that picture....Anyways! On with the story!
*Your Pov*
I found Itachi in the forest throwing Kunai.
"Itachi!!!!!" I ran and jumped on Itachi's back.
"I've been looking for you!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my face in the crook of his neck.
"Hello, __. Do you need something?" He asked politely as if we had just met.
"We're friends you don't have to be so polite. And yeah. I want to give you something." I jumped down off of his back and pulled out a small wooden heart. It had the Itachi and __ carved into it. I handed it to him and a smile appeared on his face.
"Thank you, __" he patted the top of my head.
"Welcome!" Itachi knows I have feelings for him but he pretends not to know.
"Can we go sit under a tree?"
"Yes." We walked together over to a tree and sat down.
"Can I play with your hair?" I asked and reached for the rubber band that held his hair in a low pony tail.
"Of course." He turned around so his back was to me and I folded my legs atop of one another. I took the rubber band out of his hair and slid it onto my wrist. I began to run my fingers though his hair. It's so soft. I put my face into his hair and took a deep breath.
"What are you doing?" Itachi asked.
"Oh what?'re hair is so soft I couldn't resist." I moved his hair to one side and put my head in the crook of his neck again.
"I love you, Itachi. Why do you act like you don't know this?"
"Because...I have to leave." He quietly said.
"Leave? When?" I raised my head up.
"In a few days."
"When will you be back?"
"I will never come back, __. I wanted to stay friends so it will be easier for you to deal with."
"Can I have one request before you go?"
"K-kiss me." I started to cry. I don't want Itachi to go. Itachi turned around to face me.
"Don't cry." He wiped my tears away with his thumb.
"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'm g-going t-to m-m-miss y-you."
"I'm going to miss you too. We will see each other again, I promise." He leaned towards me and pressed his lips onto mine.
"I love you, __."

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